
844 bytes added ,  20:21, 7 January 2010
Created page with '{{Inc| Musa superba, roxbg. Whole plant 10-12 ft. high, not stoloniferous: st. 2-2 ½ ft. diam. at base, narrowing to 1 ft. below lvs.: lvs. 5 ft. long, oblong, narrowed to bas…'
Musa superba, roxbg. Whole plant 10-12 ft. high, not stoloniferous: st. 2-2 ½ ft. diam. at base, narrowing to 1 ft. below lvs.: lvs. 5 ft. long, oblong, narrowed to base; petiole very short, deeply grooved: spike at first globose, 1 ft. diam., one-third the length of st.; bracts orbicular, dull claret-brown, up to 1 ft. long; fls. in dense rows of 10-15 each; calyx 1 in. long, whitish, formed of 3 loosely cohering segms.; free petal short, 3-toothed with a long linear central tooth: fr. oblong, subcoriaceous, 3 in. long, 1 ½ in. diam.; seeds very numerous, 1/3 – ½ in diam., smooth, brown, subglobose, angled by pressure. India. B.M. 3849, 3850. G.C. 111.35:83. R.H. 1877, p. 277; 1888, p. 33. F. 1873, p. 273. Roxburgh, Plants of Coromandel, 3:223. Wight, Icones Plantarum, 2017.- Decorative, and yields a poor fiber.
