| + | Many other species of alyssum are likely to be found in choice rock-garden collections. A. alpestre. Linn. 3 in., grayish: fls. yellow, in simple raceme.—A. atlánticum, Desf.-A. montanum.—-?. Bertholonii, Desv.-A. argenteum.—A. cuneifolium, Tenore-A. montanum.—A dasycarpum, Steph. Annual: fls. yellow.—A. diffùsum, Tenore-A. montanum.—A. mocrocarpum, DC. Shrubby, somewhat spiny, 8 in.: Lvs. oblong, silvery: fls. white.—A. orientale, Ard. 1 ft.: Lvs. lanceolate, toothed, downy: fls. yellow, in corymbs.—A. tortuosum, Rupr. 6 in., at. twisted: lvs. narrow, hoary: fls. yellow, in corymbs. |