
869 bytes added ,  14:39, 12 January 2010
Created page with '{{Inc| Amomum magnificum, Benth & Hook. f. A species of large dimensions, reaching, when planted out in a rich soil, up to a height of 20 ft. : rhizomes branching freely, stout, …'
Amomum magnificum, Benth & Hook. f. A species of large dimensions, reaching, when planted out in a rich soil, up to a height of 20 ft. : rhizomes branching freely, stout, dark brown, green when young: lf.-st. erect, arching at top, terete: Lvs. distichous shortly petiolate, lanceolate or elliptic, 1-2 ft. long, acute, glabrous, upper side green, (red when young) Tower side suffused with reddish brown: peduncle stout, solitary, 2-5 ft. high; infl. a globose head with large bright scarlet and green bracts, outer bracts 3 in. long, ovate, or ovate-lanceolate; fls. numerous, densely crowded near the center of the head; sepals lanceolate, an inch long, primrose, tinted with red; petals lanceolate, slightly longer than the sepals, yellow, tinted with red; lip longer than the corolla-lobes, red, with a margin of yellow. Mauritius. B.M. 3192 (as Alpinia).
