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Perianth long-tubular, curved, dilated above, the uppermost segms. largest; stamens 3; style branched; ovary 3-loculed.—About 14 or more Cape and Trop. African plants, with linear or sword-shaped Lvs. and bright fls. in 2-sided spikes. Cult. the same as gladioli, being taken up in the fall. The tubers are often started in a frame or in the house before planting in the open.
Perianth long-tubular, curved, dilated above, the uppermost segms. largest; stamens 3; style branched; ovary 3-loculed.—About 14 or more Cape and Trop. African plants, with linear or sword-shaped Lvs. and bright fls. in 2-sided spikes. Cult. the same as gladioli, being taken up in the fall. The tubers are often started in a frame or in the house before planting in the open.
A. abyssinica, Brongn. Conn globose, 1 in. diam.: st. 2 ft. or less: Lvs. 3-4, linear, 1 ft. long: spike simple, few-fld.; fls. bright red, the curved tube 1 in. long. Abyssinia.—A. quadrangularis, Burm. (Gladiolus quad- rangularis, Ker.). Corm large, globose, plant stoloniforous: st. slender, 2-3 ft.: Lvs. 2-3, narrow: spike very lax, 2-4 fld.; fls. bright red and yellow, tube 2 in. long. Cape.—A. Schweinfurthii, Baker. St. terete, 1 ft. to spike: Lvs, 5 to 6, grass-like, 6 in. long: spike simple and lax, many-fid.; fls. bright red shading to yellow, about 1½ in. long, the tube curved and dilated. Abyssinia. B.M. 7709.
