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Submerged herbs, with tuberous rhizomes and fibrous roots: Lvs. long-stalked, oblong or linear, sometimes lacking the parenchyma and having a lattice- like character: fl.-characters those of the family (p. 13). —About two dozen species of warm countries, Asian, African and Australian. Krause & Engler, Das Pflanzenreich, hft. 24 (1?06). There are two main species in cult., the aponogeton proper with solid Lvs., and the ouvirandra with open-work Lvs. The former is grown mostly out-of-doors; the latter in warm greenhouses.
Submerged herbs, with tuberous rhizomes and fibrous roots: Lvs. long-stalked, oblong or linear, sometimes lacking the parenchyma and having a lattice- like character: fl.-characters those of the family (p. 13). —About two dozen species of warm countries, Asian, African and Australian. Krause & Engler, Das Pflanzenreich, hft. 24 (1?06). There are two main species in cult., the aponogeton proper with solid Lvs., and the ouvirandra with open-work Lvs. The former is grown mostly out-of-doors; the latter in warm greenhouses.
A. angustifolius. Ait. (A. capensis. Perry). Like A. distachyus. but much smaller: fls. small, white. S. Afr.—A. Bernierianus. Hook, f., differs from A. fenestralis in having smaller open spaces in the Lvs., and pinkish 4-parted spikes.—A. Dinteri, Engl. & Kr. Tuber globose: floating Lvs. oblong, rounded or somewhat emarginate at base, long-nerved, not lace-like: inflorescence 2-spiked, yellowish. German S. W. Afr. G.W. 14:659.—A. Henckelianus. Hort. Allied to A. fenestralis, but rhizome larger and not creeping: Lvs. pale green, leas lasting. Madagascar. G.C. III. 40:270.—.A. monostachyus. Linn. f. (A. natans, Engl. & Kr.) Lf. linear-oblong infl. in 1 spike, pink. India, Austral. G.W. 9:62.
