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Nearly all the species are of easy culture and can be propagated readily by seed which is usually produced in abundance; also propagated by division and in some woody forms by cuttings.
Nearly all the species are of easy culture and can be propagated readily by seed which is usually produced in abundance; also propagated by division and in some woody forms by cuttings.
A. acutifolius. Linn. Semi-hardy, becoming a woody shrub in the S., zigzag, branching, 5 ft.: cladodes short, stiff, terete, spiny- tipped in fascicles of 5-12, Kin. long: fls. dioecious, yellow: berry waxy olive-green.—A dark green cedar-like ornamental. Medit. region.—A. aethiopicus. Linn. Tropical vine: cladodes 3-5 ft,, linear falcate, 1-2 in. long: If.-base spiny: fls. in racemes, near A. Sprengeri. S.'Afr.—A. africanus, Lam. Woody semi-climber, spiny: cladodes filiform-terete, stiff, dark green, up to 20 in a cluster 1 in. long: fls. in umbels. S. Afr.—A. albus, Linn. (A. Pastorisnus, Webb A Berth.). A white-stemmed branching woody shrub, semi-hardy, 3- 4 ft. high: cladodes densely fascicled, 1 in. long: lf.-scale with a long sharp spine: fls. in umbels. Medit. region.—Very susceptible to attacks of red-spider. G.Z. 1907:31.—A. asiaticus, Linn. A tall branching woody vine: cladodes numerous in clusters, soft-filiform, ½ in. long: fls. in umbels. S. Afr.—A. declinatus,. Linn. Allied to A. plumosus but with cladodes about ½ in. long: branches slender, drooping: fls. axillary, small, white: berries 1-seeded. S. Afr.—A. laricinus, Burch. A woody shrub suggesting A. retrofractus but with cladodes 1 in. long. S. Afr. G.C. III. 23:122.—A. longipes, Baker. A copiously branched undershrub with subterete slender green cladodes ½-1 in. long in whorls of 9-12: fls. axillary, solitary or paired. S. Cent. Afr.—A. myriocladus, Hort. (A. Green- fieldii, Hort.). An erect, much-branched shrub, 6 ft., with tuberous roots: st. gray: branches zigzag with dense clusters of light green filiform cladodes ¾ in. long, becoming dark green with age.—Very ornamental: fls. unknown, but it is closely related in type to A. retrofractus. Natal. G. 25:293; 33:435. Gng. 12:547. F.E. 16:637. The true A. myriocladus. Baker, is related to A. Sprengeri and has flat cladodes and racemose fls. This species is apparently not in cultivation.—A. oligoclonus, Maxim. Erect, hardy herbaceous perennial suggesting A. officinalis: cladodes more dense, slender and graceful: 1-2 ft.: fls. dioecious, campanulate. N. Asia.—A. schoberioides, Kunth. Erect, hardy herbaceous perennial, 1-3 ft.: roots tuberous: cladodes long, 3-angled, flat, ascending: fls. nearly sessile, dioecious: berries red. Japan and China.—A. Sieberianus, Hort. A supposed hybrid between A. crispus and A. plumosus tenuissimus: sts. slender, rigid, with slightly curved cladodes. Distinct and valuable as a market plant.—A. tenuifolius. Lam. Herbaceous perennial: like A. officinnalis, with very slender, numerous cladodes and large bright red berries. S. Eu.—A. trichophyllus, Bunge. Hardy herbaceous perennial, somewhat twining, 3-6 ft.: cladodes like A. officinalis, ¼-1 in. long: fls. dioecious (long-campanulate) on drooping pedicels. N. Asia.
