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, 16:47, 29 January 2010
Bacularia monostachya, F. Muell. (Areca monostachya, Marti Kentia monostachya, F. Muell.). Walking-stick Palm. Trunk 6-12 ft. high, scarcely 1 in. thick: Lvs. 1½-4 ft. long; the sheath broad, coriaceous, about 6 in. long, produced into 2 stipular lobes; segms. very irregular, acuminate, very variable in breadth and distance, adnate to the rachis, or tapering at the base, the longest about 1 ft. long: infl. very long, often exceeding the Lvs.; stamens usually 10: fr. ovoid, about ½ in. thick. Queensland, New S. Wales. B.M. 6644.