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Begonia (named after Michel Begon, superintendent at St. Domingo, 1638-1710, a French promoter of botany). Begoniaceae. Begonia. Elephant's Ear. Beefsteak Geranium. A various group, ranging from hothouse to conservatory and window-garden subjects, many of them grown primarily for foliage, others for the showy bloom; treated mostly as single pot-specimens, but some kinds used for bedding.
More or less sappy or succulent herbs or undershrubs, having the st. in some cases reduced to a thick rhizome, in others to a distinct small tuber, while a few others possess a semi-tuber in which there are a number of closely set scales or suppressed Lvs.. resembling bulbs: Lvs. variable, alternate, more or less unequal-sided, entire, or lobed, or toothed, ovate-acuminate, orbicular or peltate: fls. monoecious (bisexual variations are known: Dummer; Annals Bot. xxvi. 1123), asymmetrical, usually in axillary cymes, the males usually with 4 parts, of which 2 arc mostly small, the females with 5 (rarely 2), pink, white, rose, scarlet, yellow, and all shades of these, being represented; stamens numerous: filaments free or united at the base; styles 2 or 4, free, sometimes connate; stigmas branched or twisted like a corkscrew; ovary inferior: fr. usually a 1— 3-winged caps., which is often colored; seed numerous, very minute.—The genus Begonia, with 400-500 species in warm countries around the globe, gives the name and definition to the Begoniaceae. Only three other genera are recognized: Hillebrandia, with 1 species in Hawaii; Symbegonia, 1 little-known species in New Guinea; Begoniella, 3 species in Colombia. The begonias are exceedingly variable, the genus running into about 60 well-marked sections, but the intergradations are so many and the essential floral characters so constant that it is impracticable to break up the great group into separate genera.
The begonia is one of the great groups of cultivated ornamental plants. Very many species have been introduced, and there are numberless hybrids and variations. The most popular single begonia is now probably the wonderfully floriferous Gloire de Lorraine (Fig. 505). The foliage begonias are of many original kinds, and the numerous hybrids and variations have given great choice to the cultivator. B. Rex is the chief basis of the foliage races. Many cultivators are unaware of the possibilities of the Rex derivatives, because they grow them in pots (for commerce) on benches, whereas the singular and characteristic results are secured by growing them in the earth against greenhouse walk or in rock pockets below the benches (Plate XIV).
Because of the great numbers of interesting forms, begonias have appealed strongly to collectors and fanciers. In recent years, however, the collections have been passing out in the large private places; and most dealers now carry only a few standard kinds (mostly modified cultivated forms), in addition to the florists' bedding and garden sorts and a general mixed stock of tuberous kinds. The following botanical account, therefore, does not accurately represent the present state of the begonia trade. It is to be regretted that the fanciers' collections are not kept; and it is partly in the hope that the desire for collections will return that this rather full treatment is given of the main species and stem-groups now in cultivation.
The foliage begonias of the Rex type are subject to an insidious disorder, affecting the leaves and eventually the entire plant. The remedy seems to be to discard all suspected stock and to propagate from wholly healthy plants, or to' grow them out of it by planting them in a shaded airy greenhouse bench for a summer and potting again in fall.
The interest in begonias centers in their use as ornamental subjects. It is said that the stalks of some of the species arc used as the leaf-stalks of rhubarb are used. The rhizomes of many species, particularly those from South America, are bitter and astringent and are employed locally for certain fevers and for syphilis. Some species contain purgative principles. The sour sap of one of the Asiatic species is said to be used for the cleaning of weapons.
The first begonia was introduced into England in 1777, B. nitida. Since then, about 200 have proved of value to the horticulturist. Few other plants have been improved or varied so rapidly, there being thousands of variations now in cultivation, displaying the most gorgeous colors in their flowers and beautiful coloring in their leaves. The development of the modern race of hybrid tuberous begonias followed the introduction of B. Veitchii, B. rosaeflora, B. Davisii, B. boliviensis, B. Pearcei and others after 1860. The geographical distribution of begonias is very disjunctive and localized. They are indigenous to Mexico, Central and South America, Asia, and South Africa. They seem to have no genetic relationship with other plants now living. For literature, see Dryander. The Genus Begonia, Trans, of the Linn. Soc., Vol. I, 1791; Klotzsch, Begoniaceen-Gattungen und Arten, 12 plates, 1855 (Abh. Ak. Berlin); DeCandolle's Prodromus, 15, 1, 1864; and floras of regions in which begonias arc native.
General culture and propagation.
For horticultural purposes, the begonias may be arranged in four groups: The socotrana or semi-tuberous set; the tuberous-rooted; the foliage kinds, mostly rhizomatous; and the fibrous-rooted. The bedding begonias are mostly of the fibrous-rooted section, particularly in the isemperflorens group, although the improved tuberous kinds may be used for this purpose in special places.
(1) The semi- tuberous or bulbous group comprises such begonias as B. socotrana and Gloire de Sceaux. They require much care and should be grown in a soil with more leaf-mold than the fibrous-rooted, and a temperature of 65° to 70° in the daytime and 60° at night. Of Gloire de Sceaux and some others, plants two years old will be found best for decorative purposes. For special notes on B. socotrana, see the treatment of that species, page 473.
(2) The tuberous begonias are grown in pots, boxes or baskets, under glass, or as bedding plants in a shaded border. If the plants are intended for pot-culture in the greenhouse, it is best to use the tubers. For early flowering, start the tubers in February or March, either in small pots or shallow boxes. The soil may be composed of loam, sharp-sand and leaf-mold, and the temperature about 60 to 65 degrees. When the plants are ready for repotting, well-rooted manure may be added, and when the roots have taken a fresh hold a cooler temperature may be maintained. For bedding purposes, seedling plants, as well as tubers, may be used, providing they are of a first-class strain. Tubers are preferred if early-flowering plants are desired. For further cultural notes, see the discussion on page 471.
(3) The Rex begonias are grown entirely for the beauty of their foliage. They may be propagated by means of either shoot- or leaf-cuttings, the latter being the better when plants have to be raised in quantity. Large and well-matured, but still healthy and vigorous leaves may have the principal nerves cut on the underside. The leaf is then pegged or weighted down on the surface of a well-drained propagating bed. If carefully shaded, roots will be formed at every cut, a tiny leaf will follow (Fig. 501), and the little plants may be inserted singly in small pots. Another method is to cut the large leaves into triangular parts, with a bit of the main petiole at the tip of each, and insert the pieces about 1 inch, with the lower or thickest end of the rib downward (Figs. 502, 503). Still another method is to cut the leaf in two, across the veins, and stand it edgewise in the propagating bed. The young plants may be potted-up into small pots, using a light, porous, sifted soil. Keep shaded in a low house with a moist atmosphere. The soil may be gradually made coarser with each potting until in the final shift; an unsifted compost of two parts loam, one part leaf-mold, one part well- rotted manure, and one part sand, is used, adding a sprinkling of lime. While watering, avoid wetting the leaves as much as possible, and keep large, well-developed plants in a shaded house, with plenty of ventilation day and night during the summer.
(4) The fibrous-rooted begonias comprise such species as B. nitida, B. semperflorens var. gigantean, B.albo-picta, B. Haageana, and B. Ditchartrei. Of these, cuttings taken from clean, healthy stems in spring will strike readily in an ordinary propagating-box or bench, and if potted-on, as they require root-room, will make fine plants for late winter and spring flowering. As soon as one neglects good treatment, especially in regard to light, fresh air and fresh soil, the red spider, a physiological disease appearing like rust, and the dreaded nematodes, will soon attack them and give them a sickly and stunted appearance. They require a temperature of 55° to 60° at night and 65° to 70° in the daytime. The plants should be kept close to the glass in the early stages of growth, on account of the tendency of many of the varieties to send out rather long shoots. A good compost is three parts loam, one part well-rotted manure, and one part sand.
While begonias in general are injured by too strong sunshine during summer, they are benefited by all the sunshine they can get during the winter and early spring months. Strong sunshine, however, pouring through imperfect glass upon wet foliage, is liable to blister the leaves of any begonia. Such species as B. Dregei and B. weltoniensis, which produce at their base a thickened, fleshy stem like a potato, may be propagated either by division or by cuttings. Many kinds of the fibrous-rooted and rhizomatous sections can be grown by amateurs, and make excellent house-plants, especially B. manicata, B. coccinea, B. speculata, B. argyrostigma var. picta, B. ricinifolia, B. heracleifolia, B. incarnata.
Begonia Gloire de Lorraine.
Begonia Gloire de Lorraine (Fig. 505) was raised by Lemoine by crossing B. Dregei and B. socotrana, and is one of the most useful and beautiful decorative plants introduced. If large specimen plants in 10- or 12-inch pans are desired, propagating should be begun about November or December of the year previous, as these plants are generally at their best about Christmas time. The best plants are obtained from leaf-cuttings. Select medium-sized, well-ripened leaves, cut off with a sharp knife, insert in a bed of sharp sand in a temperature of 70° and space them far enough apart, so that they do not touch one another. The propagating - bed should be at least 2 inches deep, but the stems should not be buried so deeply that the leaf lies on the top of the bed. These precautions prevent damping off. A further preventive against damping off is to dust powdered charcoal over the bed after the cuttings have been thoroughly watered. The leaf- cuttings of Gloire de Lorraine are far superior to shoots that start from the base of a cut-back plant, the leaf- cutting having greater vigor and breaking more shoots from the base of the plant. The leaf-cuttings w ill root in three weeks in the temperature recommended above, but they should be left in the sand until they begin to throw up shoots from the callus formed at the end of the leaf-stem, after which they should be immediately potted in 2-inch pots, in equal parts of fibrous loam and leaf-mold, with about a fourth part of charcoal. Never allow the plants to become pot-bound until they have attained the desired size, and for all future pottings use equal parts of the fiber of loam, half-decayed flaky leaves, well-rotted cow-manure or horse-droppings, and a fourth part of charcoal. Use this compost as rough as can be conveniently worked around the plant while potting. During the summer, they should be grown in a rather humid atmosphere near the glass, always lightly shaded from the sun until they begin to flower. Pinch the shoots two or three times during the season as this encourages breaks from the base of the plant. When well rooted in the final shift, watering with manure-water will be beneficial. When the plants begin to flower, they should be neatly staked with thin twigs, unless desired for hanging plants, when they may be allowed to droop around the pan. When in flower they should be in a light airy greenhouse with a temperature of 45° by night. These plants are subject to mealy-bug and may be fumigated at intervals of two weeks with hydrocyanic gas.
Tuberous begonias.
The tuberous-rooted begonias, which are every year becoming more popular, both as pot-plants, and for bedding out-of- doors, are the result of crossing several different species differing considerably in habit, and are easily cultivated. They are raised almost wholly from seed, and good strains in different colors may be obtained from any reputable seed firm. However, if one wishes to increase these plants by cuttings it can be done. Shallow boxes or seed-pans may be used in which to sow the seed about the beginning of February. They should be well drained and filled with a compost made up of equal parts of peat, leaf-mold and about a fourth of charcoal. As soon as the plants are large enough to handle, prick them out about 2 inches apart in the same soil as above, place them close to the glass, but always shaded from the bright sun, and in a moist atmosphere. When they have grown close together, transfer them to 3^-inch pots, the best soil to use from now on being a spent mushroom bed, adding about a fifth part of charcoal. A 6-inch pot is generally large enough for the first season, and when they are well established in these pots should be kept as cool as possible. A house facing north is the best place for them during the summer, and all the air possible may be admitted night and day. On no account allow these plants to suffer for lack of water until fall, when they will begin to show signs of ripening off. During their growing period, they may be stimulated by frequent applications of cow-manure water, and soot diluted in water, an ordinary handful to two and a half gallons of water; water three times with clean water, and alternately with the other two. When signs of ripening begin to show, gradually withhold water until the growths decay, and then place the pots on their sides under a bench in a greenhouse where the temperature keeps around 40°. Be sure they are in a position where water does not reach them. The tubers will be good for several years, but the best plants are in their second year. The plants may be started at intervals, having an earlier and a later lot. For bedding out in partial shade, these plants have no equals. Start the tubers in flats about the end of April, have the bed heavily manured and the soil level with the surface of the ground, as the roots run near the top of the ground, and consequently they have to be watered frequently. The top of the bed should be always moist, a mulching of well-rotted manure being of great assistance in retaining the moisture. Plant about a foot apart, all of one color, unless great care is exercised in blending the brilliant colors so that they do not clash.
| name = ''Begonia''
| name = ''Begonia''
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=== Cane-type begonias===
=== Cane-type begonias===
Stems are tall and woody, with bamboo-like joints.  Includes "angel-wing" begonias.  Some reach over 5ft.{{SSN}}
Stems are tall and woody, with bamboo-like joints.  Includes "angel-wing" begonias.  Some reach over 5ft.{{SSN}}
*[[Begoni 'Irene Nuss'|B. 'Irene Nuss']]
*[[Begoni 'Irene Nuss'|B. 'Irene Nuss']]
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=== Rhizomatous begonias===
=== Rhizomatous begonias===
Mostly grown for foliage, but produce attractive flowers.  Group includes "star begonias", named for the shape of their leaves.  Good house plants.  Enjoy window light, only need water when top inch of soil dries out.  Grow in wide, shallow pots.  Blooms winter through summer.  Flowers are white or pink.{{SSN}}
Mostly grown for foliage, but produce attractive flowers.  Group includes "star begonias", named for the shape of their leaves.  Good house plants.  Enjoy window light, only need water when top inch of soil dries out.  Grow in wide, shallow pots.  Blooms winter through summer.  Flowers are white or pink.{{SSN}}
*[[Begoni masoniana|B. masoniana]] - Iron Cross Begonia.  
*[[Begoni masoniana|B. masoniana]] - Iron Cross Begonia.  
