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Most of the barberries can be propagated from the green cuttings of the young wood taken from the first to the middle of June, and placed in sand in a shaded hotbed in precisely the same way as lilacs, viburnums or hydrangeas are treated. This is the best way to perpetuate individuals of strikingly characteristic habits. A very small percentage of the cuttings of the ripe wood placed in the greenhouse in the fall will "strike," but not enough to pay. Some species may be propagated by suckers. Rarer kinds and varieties are sometimes grafted on B. vulgaris or B. Thunbergii, in August or September under glass, or in early spring in the greenhouse. Grafting, however, is not to be recommended, for the stock usually throws up suckers which are often overlooked on account of the similarity of the foliage of many species; they will overgrow the cion in a short time and smother it. A good plan is to use the purple-leaved barberry as a stock; the suckers are thus easily noticeable and may be removed in time.  
Most of the barberries can be propagated from the green cuttings of the young wood taken from the first to the middle of June, and placed in sand in a shaded hotbed in precisely the same way as lilacs, viburnums or hydrangeas are treated. This is the best way to perpetuate individuals of strikingly characteristic habits. A very small percentage of the cuttings of the ripe wood placed in the greenhouse in the fall will "strike," but not enough to pay. Some species may be propagated by suckers. Rarer kinds and varieties are sometimes grafted on B. vulgaris or B. Thunbergii, in August or September under glass, or in early spring in the greenhouse. Grafting, however, is not to be recommended, for the stock usually throws up suckers which are often overlooked on account of the similarity of the foliage of many species; they will overgrow the cion in a short time and smother it. A good plan is to use the purple-leaved barberry as a stock; the suckers are thus easily noticeable and may be removed in time.  
B. actinacantha. Mart. Evergreen shrub, to 3 ft.: spines 4-7- parted: lvs. obovate to oblong. ½-1 in. long, spiny: fls. slender- stalked, in clusters. Chile. B.R. 31:55.—B. acuminate, Franch. Allied to B. Gagnepainii. Evergreen shrub: branches yellow, terete: Lvs. lanceolate, 4-7 in. long, acuminate, with numerous small spiny teeth: fls. fascicled; pedicels about 1 in. long. S.W. China. J.H.F. 1900:191.—B. acuminata, Stapf-B. Gagnepainii.—B. acuminate, Veitch-B. Veitchii.—B. aeinensis, Presl. Low, dense, deciduous shrub: branches yellowish gray, angular with numerous spines, about ½ in. long: Lvs. oblanceolate or obovate, spinose-serrate, ½-1½ in. long: racemes short, 8-14-fld. Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica.—B. aggregata, Schneid. Allied to B. polyantha. Lvs. oblong-obovate, spiny-toothed, ¾-1 in. long: panicles short and very dense, about ¾ in. long: fr. subglobose, salmon-red. W. China. — B. Andreana, Naudin-B. laurina. — B. angulosa, Wall. Deciduous shrub, to 4 ft. : young branchlets puberulous, angular, spiny: Lvs. oblong-obovate, ½-1½ in. long, whitish beneath, entire or sparsely sptnulose: fls. solitary or few, slender-stalked: fr. red. Himalayas. B.M. 7071. — B. Aquifolium, Pursh-Mahonia Aquifolium. —B. arguta, Ball -- Mahonia arguta. — B. Belstaniana, Hort.-B. virescens. — B. Bergmanniae, Schneid. Allied to B. Sargentiana. Evergreen shrub, to 6 ft.: Lvs. coriaceous, elliptic, indistinctly veined, 1-1½ in. long: fls. fascicled, many: fr. oblong-ovoid, black, bloomy. Cent, and W. China. Var. acanthophylla, Schneid. Lvs. to 2 in. long, sinuately spiny. W. China. Only the variety is in cult. — B. Bretschneideri, Rehd. Allied to B. koreana. Shrub, to 8 ft.: branches terete, reddish brown with few and small spines: Lvs. obovate-oblong, 1½-2½ in. long, setose-serrate: racemes about 1½ in. long: fr. oblong, purplish. N. China. S.T.S. 2:110. Hardy N.— B. brachypoda, Maxim. Allied to B. amurensis. Shrub, to 6 ft.: Lvs. elliptic-oblong, acute, pubescent on both sides, 1½-3½ in. long: racemes pubescent, slender, 2-3 in. long: fr. scarlet. Cent. China. — B. candidula, Schneid. (B. Wallichiana var. candidula, Schneid. B. Wallichiana var. pallida, Boiss.). Allied to B. verruculosa. Evergreen prostrate shrub: branchlets glabrous, yellowish: Lvs. elliptic with few spiny teeth, white beneath, about 1 in. long: fls. solitary. Cent. China. V.F. 15. — B. Caroli, Schneid. (B. integerrima var. stenophylla, Maxim.). Similar to B. Poiretii. Shrub, to 6 ft. : Lvs. oblanceolate, usually entire, ¾-1½ in. long: racemes 8-14-fld. Mongolia. Var. hoanghensis, Schneid. Racemes many-fld., 1-1½ in. long, pedicels ⅛ in. long: fr. subglobose, salmon-red. W. China. Only the variety is in cult. — B. cerasina, Schrad. Allied to B. sinensis, but Lvs. more often toothed, racemes shorter, hardly longer than the Lvs. and spines shorter, usually simple. Of unknown origin. — B. congestiflora, Gay. Allied to B. hakeoides. Lvs. oblong-ovate to orbicular, often entire: fls. in dense umbels on upright stalks ½-1 in. long. Chile. — B. crataegina, DC. Shrub, to 5 ft. : branches brownish red, nearly terete: Lvs. deciduous, oblanceolate to oblong-obovate, ½-1½ in. long, usually entire: racemes 6-20-fld., 1-2 in. long: fr. bluish black. Asia Minor. — The true B. crataegina does not seem to be in cult. — B. cretica, Linn. Deciduous shrub, to 3 ft.: branches purplish with numerous spines often nearly 1 in. long: lvs. lanceolate, ⅓-¾ in. long, usually entire: fls. 3-7, in short umbel-like racemes. S.E. Eu. Orient.—B. crispa, Gay. Allied to B. hakeoides. Branches puberulous: Lvs. thinner, ovate or oval, spiny-toothed, ½-1½ in. long: fls. 5-8, on slender pedicels, clustered. Chile.—B. dealbata, Lindl. Lvs. persistent, nearly orbicular, with few spiny teeth: racemes short, dense, nodding. Mex. B.R. 21:1750.—B. elegans, Hort.-B. Lycium.—B. emarginata, Willd. Possibly B. sibirica X vulgaris. Low shrub: spines 1-5-parted: Lvs. obovate to obovate-oblong, ½-1¾ in. long, setulose-dentate: racemes shorter than the Lvs., upright; petals usually emarginate. Of unknown origin. G.O.H. 62.— B. Fendleri, Gray. Allied to B. canadensis. Shrub, to 5 ft.: spines 3-5-parted: Lvs. obovate-lanceolate, ¾-1¾ in. long, lustrous, entire or spinulose: racemes dense, long-peduncled, pendulous. Colo. to New Mex. G.F. 1:462.—B. Fortunei, Lindl.-Mahonia Fortunei. —B. Fremontti, Torr.- Mahonia Fremontii.—B. glauca, Benth., not Kunth—B. Jamiesonii.—B. gracilis, Hartw.—Mahonia gracilis. —B. haematocarpa, Wooton- Mahonia haematocarpa.—B. Heterophylla, Juss. Allied to B. ilicifolia. Branches glabrous, yellowish Drown; spines 3-5-parted: Lvs. persistent, obovate to oblong, ½-1¼ in. long, entire, or with 2-4 spiny teeth: fls. solitary: fr. purplish black. Straits of Magellan. H.E. 1:14.—B. heterophylla, Zabel- Mahonia heterophylla.—B. Hookeri, Lem. (B. Jamiesonii. Hort., not Lindl. B. Wallichiana, Hook., not. DC.). Allied to B. Sargentiana. Branchlets angular, stout, pale yellowish brown: lvs. elliptic-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, sinuately spiny-toothed, 1-2 in. long: fls. 3-6; pedicels slender: fr. oblong, large, with 4-8 seeds. Origin uncertain; probably Himalayas. I.H. 6:207. B.M. 4656.—B. Hutchinsonii, Rehd.-Mahonia arguta.—B. Jamiesonii, Lindl. (B. glauca, Benth., not Kunth). Evergreen shrub: branches terete, brownish red: Lvs. oblong, 2-3 in. long, entire or with few teeth, lustrous, pale green beneath: fls. in close panicles; pedicels ½ in. long. Peru.—Often confused with B. Hookeri and B. Verschaffeltii.—B. japonica, Spreng.-Mahonia japonica.—B. Knightii. Hort.-B. Wallichiana var. latifolia.—B. laurina Billbg. (B. Andreana, Naudin). Allied to B. buxifolia. Shrub, to 5ft.: branches glabrous, terete; spines to lin. long: Lvs. oblanceolate, 1-3 in. long, entire, pale beneath: racemes pendulous, to 5 in. long: fr. black, bloomy. S. Brazil. R.H. 1899, p. 9.—B. laxiflora. Schrad. Allied to B. amurensis. Lvs. oval to oval- elliptic, obtuse, serration less dense, grayish green beneath: racemes pendulous, 2-3½ in. long. Of unknown origin.—B. Liechtensteinii, Schneid. Deciduous shrub, to 5 ft.: branches slightly angled, purplish with strong spines: lvs. ovate to lanceolate, sinuately spiny, light green beneath, ½-2 in. long: fls, in racemes 1-1½ in. long: fr. globose, red, with 2 seeds. W. China.—B. loxensis, Benth. Lvs. persistent, oblong-obovate, entire or sometimes with a few spiny teeth, lustrous: fls. small in peduncled, loose racemes. Peru. F.8. 6, p. 69.—B. lucida, Schrad. Allied to B. vulgaris. Lvs. elliptic to elliptic-oblong, dark green and lustrous above, obtuse, remotely and finely serrate: racemes spreading, about 2 in. long: fr. red. Of unknown origin; possibly variety of B. vulgaris.—B. Lycium, Royle (B. ruscifolia, Hort., not Lam. B. elegans, Hort.). Shrub, to 6 ft. or more: branches terete, yellowish gray: Lvs. sub-persistent, obovate- lanceolate, ¾-2 in. long, entire or spinulose: racemes sessile, longer than the Lvs., drooping: fr. violet. Himalayas. B.M. 7075.—B. macrophylla, Hort.-B. Wallichiana var. latifolia.—B. macracantha, Schrad. Possibly B. aristata X vulgaria. Branches yellowish gray: Lvs. elliptic, acutish, remotely spiny-toothed, 1-2 in. long: racemes nodding, 1½-2½ in. long: fr. red. Of unknown origin.—B. microphylla var. terrata, Hort.-B. serrata.—B. Mouillacana, Schneid. Deciduous shrub, to 10 ft.: branches grooved, purplish, with simple spines: Lvs. obovate-lanceolate, obtuse, usually entire, light green beneath, ½-2 in. long: fls. in racemes, to 1½ in. long: fr. scarlet, with 2 seeds. W. China.—B. oblonga, Schneid. (B. heteropoda var. oblonga, Regel.). Allied to B. heteropoda. Branches angular: Lvs. obovate: racemes 10-20-fld., usually compound near the base; ovary with 2 sessile ovules: fr. oblong. Turkestan.—B. nepalensis, Spreng. -Mahonia nepalensis.—B. nervosa, Pursh-Mahonia nervosa.— B. pallida, Benth.-Mahonia pallida.—B. parviflora, Lindl.-B. ruscifolia.—B. parvifolia, Sprague. Allied to B. Wilsonae. Low shrub: Lvs. half-evergreen, oblanceolate, entire or occasionally spiny- toothed, glabrous and reticulate beneath: fls. fascicled, 3-6: fr. globose, terra-cotta color. W. China.—B. pinnata, Lag.-Mahonia pinnata.—B. Prattii, Schneid. Allied to B. polyantha. Shrub, to 10 ft.: Lvs. oblong-obovate, entire or with few spiny teeth, reticulate, thinner: panicles narrow, to 6 in. long: fr. globose, salmon-red. W. China. Var. recunata, Schneid. Raceme narrow, spike-like: fr. on reflexed pedicels. W. China.—B. pruinosa, Franch. Evergreen shrub: branches brownish yellow, nearly terete; spines to 1 in. long: Lvs. ovate-oblong, ¾-2 in. long, strongly spiny-toothed, whitish beneath: fls. 8-25, fascicled, rarely in a peduncled umbel: fr. bluish black. S. W. China.—B. Rehderiana, Schneid. Allied to B. koreana, but much smaller in every part, branches reddish brown, slightly angled; spines 3-5-parted: Lvs. obovate to oblong, spinose- serrate, ¾-1¼ in. long: fls. 8-15, in a peduncled raceme: fr. sub- globose, bright red. Origin unknown.—Hardy, graceful shrub; the fr. remains unchanged until the following spring.—B. repens, Lindl. -Mahonia repens.—B. rotundifolia, Hort.-Mahonia repens var. rotundifolia.—B. ruscifolia, Lam. (B. parviflora, Lindl.). Allied to B. buxifolia. Branches terete, yellowish gray: Lvs. oblong, entire or with a few coarse teeth, ½-1½ in. long: fls. in a 4-5-fld. peduncled raceme: fr. bluish black. Argentine. J.H.S. 2:243.—B. ruscifolia, Hort.-B. Lycium.—B. sanguinea Franch. Allied to B. Gagnepainii. Lvs. narrow-lanceolate, ¾-2 in. long, spinose-serrate, pale Beneath: fls. with red sepals, in fascicles of 2-4; pedicels ¾ in. long: fr. bluish black. W. China. V.F. 16.—B. serotina, Lange. Allied to B. sinensis. Lvs. light green, oblanceolate, usually entire: racemes short and dense. Origin unknown.—B. serrata, Koehne (B. microphylla var. serrata, Hort.). Low, deciduous shrub: branches grooved, reddish or yellowish brown: Lvs. oblong-lanceolate, ½-1 in. long, spinulose-serrate: racemes dense, short. Origin unknown.— B. sibrica, Pall. Deciduous shrub: branches angular, yellowish brown; spines 3-9-parted: Lvs. obovate, remotely toothed: fls. solitary or 2. short-pedicelled: fr. red. Siberia. B.R. 6:487.—B. Silva- Taroucana, Schneid. Deciduous shrub, to 10 ft.: branches grooved, brown; spines small or wanting: Lvs. oblong-lanceolate or obovate- oblong, obtuse, entire or with few small teeth, pruinose beneath, ½-2 in. long: racemes 1-2½ in. long; pedicels ⅓-¾ in. long: fr. globose-ovoid, scarlet, with 1-2 seeds. W. China.—B. subcaulialata. Schneid. Deciduous shrub: branches strongly angulate: Lvs. oblanceolate, ½-1 in. long, acute, rarely 3-pointed at the apex, whitish beneath: fls. in very short, 6-8-fld. racemes or rarely fascicled, nodding: fr. globose, red. W. China.—B. tenuifolia, Lindl.-Mahonia tenuifolia.—B. thibetica, Schneid. Deciduous shrub: branches angular, purplish, bloomy: Lvs. obovate-lanceolate, ½-1 in. long, rounded or acutish, mucronulate. entire, whitish beneath: fls. in 1-5-fld. fascicles; pedicels about ⅓ in. long. W. China.—B. Tischleri, Schneid. Allied to B. diaphana. Shrub, to 8 ft.: branches angled, gray, spiny: Lvs. obovate to oblong, obtuse, spinulose-serrate, pruinose beneath, ½-1¾ in.: racemes 4-15-fld.; pedicels ½-1 in. long: fr. oblong, with a distinct style, pale red, pruinose. W. China.—B. toluacensis, Hort.-Mahonia heterophylla.—B. triacanthophora, Fedde. Allied to B. Gagnepainii: evergreen shrub, to 5 ft.: branches terete, brown: Lvs. linear-lanceolate with 2 to 5 spiny teeth on each side or entire, glaucescent beneath. 1-2 in.: fls. 2-5, slender- stalked: fr. black, ovoid, with sessile style. Cent. China.—B. trifoliata, Hartw.-Mahonia trifoliolata.—B. trifoliolata, Moric.-Mahonia trifoliolata.—B. trifurca, Forbes— Mahonia japonica var. trifurca.—B. umbellata, Wall. Deciduous shrub: branches angular, gray: Lvs. oblanceolate, usually entire, rarely sparsely serrulate: racemes long-peduncled, usually umbel-like, sometimes elongated. Himalayas. B.R. 30:44.—B. Veitchii. Schneid. Allied to B. levis. Evergreen shrub: Lvs. narrow-lanceolate, acuminate, sinuately toothed with long and strong spines, 2-4 in. long: fls. 5-8, slender- stalked: fr. ovoid, bluish black. Cent. China.—B. Verschaffeltii, Schneid. (B. Jamesonii, Lem., not Lindl.). Evergreen shrub: lvs. oblong, 2-3 in. long, sparingly spiny-toothed: fls. orange in drooping panicles. Ecuador. I.H. 6:201.—-B. virescens. Hook. Deciduous shrub, 2-5 ft.: branches yellowish red or red, lustrous, terete: lvs. obovate, ½-1¼ in. long, spiny-toothed or entire, light green, whitish beneath: fls. pale yellow, few, fascicled or in peduncled umbel-like racemes: fr. purple, bloomy. Himalayas. B.M. 7116.—Graceful shrub. Hardy at the Arnold Arboretum.—B. Wallichiana, DC. Allied to B. Sargentiana. Evergreen shrub, to 10 ft.: branches grooved, spiny: Lvs. elliptic to lanceolate, spiny-serrate with numerous small teeth, lustrous above, light green beneath, reticulate, 2-4 in. long: fls. 10-20; pedicels about ½ in. long: fr. ovoid, black, with usually 1 long-stalked seed. Himalayas. P.F.G. 1, p. 79. Var. latifolia. Hook. f. & Thorns. (B. Knightii, Hort., not. Koch. B. macrophylla, Hort.). Branchlets less grooved: Lvs. broader, thinner.— B. Wallichiana, Hook.-B. Hookeri.—B. yunnanensis, Franch. Allied to B. diaphana. Branches grooved, gray: Lvs. obovate-oblong, 1 in. long, entire, glaucous beneath: fls. 3-5, fascicled. S.W. China. —Has been confused with B. diaphana. See page 3566.
