
238 bytes added ,  18:35, 13 February 2010
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Breweria grandiflora, Gray. Root tuberous: st. pubescent: Ivs. broad-ovate or oblong-ovate and very short-stalked: peduncles 1-fld.; fl. very large (3 in. long), bright blue and showy, funnel-shaped: caps, large and globose- ovoid or ovoid. Fla.—Intro, by Reasoner Bros. One species of Breweria (B. Pickeringii, Gray) occurs from N. J. and 111. south, and a few other species are also native farther south in the U. S.
Breweria grandiflora, Gray. Root tuberous: st. pubescent: Ivs. broad-ovate or oblong-ovate and very short-stalked: peduncles 1-fld.; fl. very large (3 in. long), bright blue and showy, funnel-shaped: caps, large and globose- ovoid or ovoid. Fla.—Intro, by Reasoner Bros. One species of Breweria (B. Pickeringii, Gray) occurs from N. J. and 111. south, and a few other species are also native farther south in the U. S.
