In the following taxonomy, the species have been thrown into four more or less marked horticultural groups.
In the following taxonomy, the species have been thrown into four more or less marked horticultural groups.
B. coccinea, Wats.-Brevoortia.—B. crocea, Wats. 1 ft. or more: fls. 6-15, yellow. N. Calif.—B. insularis, Greene. Like B. capitata, but more robust and larger-fld. Islands off Calif.—B. Lemmonae, Wats. 1 ft.: fls. small, deep orange. N. Ariz.—B. leptandra, Baker. 1 ft. or less: fls. 2, purple. Calif.—B. lilacina. Baker. 1 ft. or legs: fls. 10-15, lilac-purple. Calif.—B. lugens. Baker. Like B. ixioides, but fls. saffron-color within and brown-black on tube and ribs. Calif.—B. pulchella, Greene. Probably the same as B. congesta.— B. scabra, Baker. Like B. ixioides, but scabrous: fls. bright yellow. Calif.—B. volubilis, Baker-Stropholirion. Carl Purdy and L. H. B.