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, 17:38, 14 February 2010
Butea frondosa, Roxbg. A leafy tree, yielding gum or lac: Lfts. 3, roundish, pubescent beneath, the lateral ones unsyrametricaJ : fls. 2 in. long, orange-crimson, very showy; stamens 9 together and 1 free. E. India and Burma. Rheede Hort. Mal. 6:16,17.—Reaches a height of 50 ft. Inspissated juice is known as Bengal or Palas kino, or butea gum, which has astringent properties, resembling true kind. Seeds used in India as a vermlfuge. The tree yields also stick-lac. The coarse, fibrous material obtained from the inner bark is used for caulking the seams of boats. Dried fls. yield a yellow or orange dye.