
Created page with '{{Inc| Olea chrysophylla, Lain. Small tree, noteworthy because of the drab or golden color of the under surface of the Lvs.: branchlets slender, lepidote or scurfy upward: Lvs. l…'
Olea chrysophylla, Lain. Small tree, noteworthy because of the drab or golden color of the under surface of the Lvs.: branchlets slender, lepidote or scurfy upward: Lvs. lanceolate, 2—4 in. long, the petiole very short: fls. small (corolla ⅛ in. long), in axillary panicles: drupe rather large and blackish, globose or somewhat long. Trop. Afr.—It has been intro. to cult. in S. Calif.
