Strychnos spinosa

Strychnos spinosa MS 10325.jpg

Plant Characteristics
Habit   tree

Height: 20 ft"ft" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 20.
Width: 12 ft"ft" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 12.
Lifespan: perennial
Bloom: early spring, mid spring, late spring
Exposure: sun
Features: flowers, edible, fruit
USDA Zones: 10 to 12
Flower features: white
Scientific Names

Loganiaceae >

Strychnos >

spinosa >

Strychnos spinosa is a tree indigenous to tropical and subtropical Africa. It produces juicy, sweet-sour, yellow fruits, containing numerous hard brown seeds. Greenish-white flowers grow in dense heads at the ends of branches (Sep-Feb/Spring - summer). The fruit tend to appear only after good rains. The smooth, hard fruit are large and green, ripen to yellow color. Inside the fruit are tightly packed seeds surrounded by a fleshy, edible covering.

Common names : Spiny Monkey-orange/Green Monkey Orange (English) Doringklapper (Afrikaans) Morapa (NS) umKwakwa (Swaziland) Nsala (Tswana) Mutamba (Shona) Maboque (Angola)

This tree can be found growing singly in well-drained soils. It is capable of growing on semi-arid and arid lands.

Read about Strychnos spinosa in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Strychnos spinosa, Lam. Low tree: branchlets slender, armed with pungent spines from the nodes: lvs. obovate or suborbicular, 5-nerved from near the base, glabrous, subcoriaceous: cymes short, dense, terminal, very compound: fls. greenish; calyx-tube very short, segms. linear; corolla-tube short, campanulate, the lobes usually 5, ovate: fr. the size and color of an orange, the shell leathery, the pulp abundant and edible; seeds large. Trop. and S. Afr., Madagascar, and Seychelles. — A promising fr. intro. into the S. U.S. CH

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