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Jump to navigationJump to search- 17:22, 16 October 2007 diff hist +3,493 N Caulerpa current
- 17:21, 16 October 2007 diff hist +863 N Ogonori current
- 17:19, 16 October 2007 diff hist +630 N File:Nori.jpg == Beschreibung == {{Information| |Description=de:Nori, geröstete Blätter aus Algen, die vor allem für Sushi verwendet werden. Nori wird auch, bereits mit Sesamöl und Gewürzen aromatisiert, in kleinerem Zuschnitt angeboten. <br />en:Nori, r current
- 17:15, 16 October 2007 diff hist +4,288 N Nori current
- 17:14, 16 October 2007 diff hist +369 N Mozuku current
- 17:11, 16 October 2007 diff hist +418 N File:Kombu.jpg == Beschreibung == {{Information| |Description=de:Kombu, ein Alge, die in der japanischen Küche verwendet wird<br />en:Kombu, a kelp used in japanese cuisine |Source=own work |Date=April 2006 |Author=Alice Wiegand, (Lyzzy) |Perm current
- 17:07, 16 October 2007 diff hist +3,507 N Kombu current
- 17:05, 16 October 2007 diff hist +1,133 N File:Chazuke and simmered hijiki seaweed.jpg == Summary == * お茶漬け、ヒジキの煮物と、ちくわとこんにゃくの炒め物 {{flickr| |title=晩ご飯 |description=Ochazuke (rice with hot tea); hijiki no nimono (simmered [[:en:H current
- 17:03, 16 October 2007 diff hist +4,899 N Hijiki current
- 17:00, 16 October 2007 diff hist +9,689 N Dulse current
- 16:58, 16 October 2007 diff hist +286 N Carola (sea vegetable) current
- 08:56, 16 October 2007 diff hist +185 N File:Nashiainaguensis.jpg Nashia inaguensis in bloom. {{GFDL-with-disclaimers}} {{PD}} Personally created and released to public domain by Lionel Fells. current
- 08:50, 16 October 2007 diff hist +1,930 N Nashia inaguensis current
- 08:49, 16 October 2007 diff hist +211 N File:P Morc D1252.JPG Leaves, flowers, and developing fruits on the noni (''Morinda citrifolia'', Family Rubiaceae) in Hawai‘i. Photographed by Eric Guinther. {{GFDL}} current
- 08:47, 16 October 2007 diff hist +27,483 N Noni current
- 08:46, 16 October 2007 diff hist +539 N File:GntNeemTree.jpg == Summary == '''A Neem Tree with blossoms during the Spring Time, at Guntur City, India. In Telugu, the flowers are called 'Vepa Pootha' where in 'Vepa' is the Neem Tree. Among its many uses, the 'Vepa Pootha' is used in making 'Ugadi Pacchad current
- 08:45, 16 October 2007 diff hist +534 N File:GntNeemFlowers.jpg == Summary == '''Neem flowers (blossoms) during the spring time at Guntur, India. In Telugu, the flowers are called 'Vepa Pootha' where in 'Vepa' is the Neem Tree. Among its many uses, the 'Vepa Pootha' is used in making 'Ugadi Pacchadi' (lite current
- 07:44, 16 October 2007 diff hist +88 N File:3 products.jpg == Licensing == {{NoRightsReserved}} current
- 07:41, 16 October 2007 diff hist +8,552 N Neem current
- 07:40, 16 October 2007 diff hist +3,409 N Garcinia indica current
- 07:39, 16 October 2007 diff hist +164 N File:PolygonumPersicara-flower-sm.jpg Spotted Ladysthumb, Gouda, august 2004, {{GFDL-with-disclaimers}}, picture taken by me current
- 07:39, 16 October 2007 diff hist +219 N File:Heliotropium curassavicum01.jpg ''Polygonum maritimum'', photo prise à Torreilles (France, Roussillon) en mai 2005.<br/>© Jean Tosti {{GFDL}} Category:Polygonum maritimum current
- 07:36, 16 October 2007 diff hist +9,108 N Knotweed current
- 07:35, 16 October 2007 diff hist +215 N File:Kaffir lime leaf.jpg == Summary == {{Information |Description=Kaffir Lime Leaf |Source=self-made |Date= |Author= Fatrabbit }} == Licensing == {{PD-self}} current
- 07:33, 16 October 2007 diff hist +130 N File:Thai-keffir-galangal.jpg Thai keffir lime and galangal. By Andrew Lih. {{cc-by-sa-2.0}} current
- 07:31, 16 October 2007 diff hist +3,493 N Kaffir lime current
- 07:27, 16 October 2007 diff hist +401 N File:Illustration Hyssopus officinalis0.jpg ;Name:Hyssopus officinalis ;Family:Lamiaceae Original book source: Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thomé ''Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz'' 1885, Gera, Germany Source: [] {{PD-old}} [[Category:T current
- 07:25, 16 October 2007 diff hist +1,546 N File:Hyssopus officinalis.jpg {{de| Blühender Ysop (''Hyssopus officinalis'')}} *Quelle: [ Bildersammlung Botanischer Garten der Ruhr-Universität Bochum] *Fotograf: Armin Jagel *Lizenzstatus: GNU FDL {{GFDL} current
- 07:23, 16 October 2007 diff hist +6,474 N Hyssop current
- 07:23, 16 October 2007 diff hist +224 N File:Horseradish prepared.jpg == Summary == Horseradish, prepared == Licensing == This image was created by Whitebox, and is licensed under the following license {{GFDL-self-with-disclaimers}} current
- 07:20, 16 October 2007 diff hist +234 N File:CDC horseradish.jpg horseradish {{PD-USGov}} Category:Root vegetables Category:Roots Category:Armoracia rusticana current
- 07:19, 16 October 2007 diff hist +221 N File:Armoracia rusticana.jpg ''Armoracia rusticana'' *Photo: Pethan *May 2005, Botanic Garden in Utrecht, Netherlands {{GFDL}} Category:Armoracia rusticana current
- 07:16, 16 October 2007 diff hist +11,016 N Horseradish current
- 07:15, 16 October 2007 diff hist +450 N File:Yakima-Valley-Hop-Yard.jpg == Summary == {{Information |Description= Hop yard in the Yakima Valley showing the early spring growth. |Source= photo taken by uploader - all rights released |Date=May 2007 |Author= Williamborg 23:36 current
- 07:14, 16 October 2007 diff hist +506 N File:Hopfengarten.jpg {{Information |Description={{de|Hopfengarten (''Humulus lupulus'') nahe Au in der Hallertau}} |Source=selbst fotografiert von Marti |Date=5.8.2004 |Author=Marti |Permission=GFDL |other_versions=copied from current
- 07:11, 16 October 2007 diff hist +495 N File:Hopfendolde-mit-hopfengarten.jpg == Summary == * '''en''' ** Description: Hop (Humulus Lupulus): Umbel ** Source: photographed it myself ** Author: LuckyStarr ** Location: Hallertau * '''de''' ** Beschreibung: Hopfen (Humulus Lupulus): Dolde ** Quelle: selbst fotogr current
- 07:08, 16 October 2007 diff hist +19,619 N Hops current
- 07:06, 16 October 2007 diff hist +320 N File:Hibiscus India Kerala1.jpg == Summary == {{Information |Description=A red Hibiscus of Kerala, India.Locally known as ''Chemparathy''. |Source=self-made |Date=17-02-2007 |Author= Sreekanthv }} == Licensing == {{self|GFDL|author=I, Sreekanthv} current
- 06:54, 16 October 2007 diff hist +222 N File:Hawaiian Flower.JPG == Headline text == == Summary == I took this picture on November 28, 2006. Photo taken by Chris Price (user:chrispy648). == Licensing == {{PD-self}} wts this?? current
- 06:53, 16 October 2007 diff hist +139 N File:Hibiscus-stages.jpg == Summary == Photos taken by Moriori and released PD == Licensing == {{PD-self}} current
- 06:51, 16 October 2007 diff hist +229 N File:Hibiscus1.jpg Hibiscus - pistil Original uploaded by User:JoJan. {{}} Downloaded from : [ pdphoto.] Category:Pistil current
- 06:48, 16 October 2007 diff hist +247 N File:Hibiscus india.JPG == Summary == Description:Hibiscus rosa-sinensis photohraphed by Pratheepps {{FPC}}<font color=red><big> == Licensing == {{self|cc-by-sa-2.5}} Category:Hibiscus current
- 06:46, 16 October 2007 diff hist +6,662 N Hibiscus
- 06:43, 16 October 2007 diff hist +722 N File:Cannabis sativa4.JPG == Summary == Cannabis sativa Note for the benefit of the DEA and similar governmental agencies:- this photo shows a legal outdoor cannabis plantation in the UK, which is licensed by the current
- 06:41, 16 October 2007 diff hist +722 N File:Cannabis sativa3.JPG == Summary == Cannabis sativa Note for the benefit of the DEA and similar governmental agencies:- this photo shows a legal outdoor cannabis plantation in the UK, which is licensed by the current
- 06:36, 16 October 2007 diff hist +721 N File:Cannabis sativa2.JPG == Summary == Cannabis sativa Note for the benefit of the DEA and similar governmental agencies:- this photo shows a legal outdoor cannabis plantation in the UK, which is licensed by the current
- 06:33, 16 October 2007 diff hist +722 N File:Cannabis sativa1.JPG == Summary == Cannabis sativa Note for the benefit of the DEA and similar governmental agencies:- this photo shows a legal outdoor cannabis plantation in the UK, which is licensed by the current
- 06:32, 16 October 2007 diff hist +290 N File:Kamidana.jpg Kamidana(神棚), a household Shinto altar in Japan.Photo taken by Gleam, in Janualy 2005. Shimenawa, rope for sanctuary area shown above, is now changed new one. {{GFDL}} Category:Shintō Category:Shimenawa http://commons.wi current
- 06:30, 16 October 2007 diff hist +1,282 N File:Hemp farm.jpg {{Information |Description = {{en|Screenshot of a hemp farm from ''Hemp for Victory''.}} |Source = Screenshot of ''Hemp for Victory'' |Date = 1942 |Author = Screenshot uploaded by en:User:Pedant. ''Hemp for V current
- 06:27, 16 October 2007 diff hist +190 N File:Hempharvesting2.jpg == Summary == Hemp being harvested. Uploaded by the photographer. == Licensing == {{self|GFDL-with-disclaimers|cc-by-sa-2.5,2.0,1.0}} current