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Raffi is Armenian, and since all the good ".com" and the like names were taken, usually by sites that had no information whatsoever about plants, he went with a domain name from Armenia. The site however, has no other relation to Armenia except the domain name (and the logo).

History was started in 2007 by Raffi Kojian after web searches for good information on various plants from a gardeners perspective often left him disappointed. Wanting the site to be a wiki, so that gardeners from all over the world could contribute information and pictures, and having started another wiki in the past, this was a natural fit. The site combines information from many websites and books - and all of the information is free. The photos are also from many sources, and the usage rights are found on the individual photo pages. Some are free or fair use licenses, but some are copyright, and permission is only valid to use on this site.

The logo is a pomegranate fruit. Originally an artwork made by an Armenian artist, it was made entirely of flower petals and leaves. Raffi turned a photo of the pomegranate into a graphic image and put it in the corner, where you see it now.