Polyspora axillaris

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Gordonia lasianthus, Ellis. Loblolly Bay. Tree, to 60 ft., usually shrubby in cult.: lvs. obovate-lanceolate, narrowed into a short petiole, crenately dentate, dark green and shining above, glabrous, 4-6 in. long: fls. long- pedicelled, white, 2-2 ½ in. across; petals oblong- obovate; stamens short: caps, ovate. July, Aug. Va. to Fla. and Miss. S.S. 1:21. B.M. 668. 1.1.2:41.

G. grandis, Andre. Corymbs few-fld., terminal; fls. white, large. R.H. 1906:520.—A handsome greenhouse species.—G. javanica, Rolliaon. See Schima Noronhie.

Alfred Rehder.