Rosa multiflora

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Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

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Read about Rosa multiflora in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Rosa multiflora, Thunb. (R. polyanthos, Roessig. R. thyrsiflora, Leroy. R. intermedia, carr. R. Wichursae, Koch). Fig. 3435. Deciduous shrub, with vigorous, long, recurving or climbing branches: lfts. usually 9, obovate to oblong, acute or obtuse, serrate, pubescent, 3/4 -1 1/3 in. long: fls. in many-fld. pyramidal corymbs, usually white, 3/4 in. across or more; sepals ovate, abruptly acuminate; styles glabrous: fr. small, globular. June. Japan, China. B.M. 7119. G.F. 3:405 (adapted in Fig. 3435); 4:535; 6:316, 317. A.G. 18:677. A.F. 6:1003. Gn. 49, p. 368 (as R. microcarpa); 55, p. 432; 66, p. 25. G.M. 44:425 (as R. polyantha simplex). R.H. 1902, p. 205. G.W. 7, p. 148; 13, pp. 342, 343. Gng. 5:120, 121.—The typical form which is sometimes distinguished as var. Thunbergiana, Thory, has small single white fls. and is found in Japan and Korea. Var. cathayênsis, Rehd. & Wilson. Fls. pink, about 1 1/2 in. across, in rather flat corymbs. China. This is the wild single-fld. form from which the two following varieties have been derived. Var. carnea, Thory (var. plena, Regel. R. florida, Poir.). With double light pink fls. B.M. 1059. B.R. 425. Var. platyphylla, Thory, with larger lvs. and larger double, deep pink fls. B.R. 1372. This is known as Seven Sisters Rose. A form of this with intense red and more numerous fls. is the well- known "Crimson Rambler," one of the best climbing roses (Fig. 3436). A.G. 16:233. Many hybrids have originated in cult.; they usually show their parentage by the pectinate stipules. A hybrid with R. rugosa is R. Iwara, Sieb., with single, rather small white fls. W. R. 61. Of the same parentage is R. yedoensis, Makino, with small pink fis. R. polyantha, Hort., not Roessig, is a trade name for hybrids with R. chinensis. Gn. 29:118. G.G. III. 29:135. G. 27:347. J.H. III. 43:425. The Dawson rose, or R. Dawsoniana, is a hybrid with General Jacqueminot. G.W. 7, p. 125. Hybrids with A. setigera, R. gallica, and R. Wichuraiana have also been raised.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.

Rosa multiflora
Plant Info
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Rosales
Family: Rosaceae
Subfamily: Rosoideae
Genus: Rosa
Species: R. multiflora

Binomial name
Rosa multiflora

Rosa multiflora (Multiflora Rose, Baby Rose, Rambler Rose) is a species of rose native to eastern Asia, in China, Japan and Korea.

It is a scrambling shrub climbing over other plants to a height of 3-5 m, with stout stems with recurved thorns (sometimes absent). The leaves are 5-10 cm long, compound, with 5-9 leaflets and feathered stipules. The flowers are produced in large corymbs, each flower small, 1.5-4 cm diameter, white or pink, borne in early summer. The hips are reddish to purple, 6-8 mm diameter.

Two varieties are accepted by the Flora of China:

  • Rosa multiflora var. multiflora. Flowers white, 1.5-2 cm diameter.
  • Rosa multiflora var. cathayensis Rehder & E.H.Wilson. Flowers pink, to 4 cm diameter.

Cultivation and uses

Rosa multiflora hips

Rosa multiflora is grown as an ornamental plant, and also used as a rootstock for grafted ornamental rose cultivars.

In eastern North America, Multiflora Rose has become an invasive species, though it was originally planted as a soil conservation measure and to attract wildlife. It is readily distinguished from American native roses by its large inflorescences, which bear multiple flowers and hips, often more than a dozen, while the American species bear only one or a few on a branch.

Over time this plant has become a serious ecological problem because of its ability to grow in diverse light, soil, and moisture conditions, and because its seeds are widely broadcast by birds. Once established, it forms nearly impenetrable thickets that displace native understory plants and can become a fire hazard in wilderness areas. Some places classify Multiflora rose as a "noxious weed" [1]. In grazing areas, this rose is generally considered to be a serious pest, though it is considered excellent fodder for goats.
