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Read about Aloe ferox in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Aloe ferox, Mill. (A. perfoliàta férox, Ait. A. muricàta, Haw. A. hórrida, Haw. A. pseudoférox, Salm-Dyck. A. subférox, Spreng. Pachydendron férox, Haw. P. pseudoférox, Haw.). Exceptionally forked, 3-10 ft. high: lvs. numerous, curved, lanceolate, glaucous, becoming reddish, 4-5 x 28 in., more or less prickly on both faces, the purplish margin with rather large red- brown teeth: inn. 4 ft. high; fls. 1¼ in. long, greenish yellow, with smoky-tipped segms. longer than the rather narrow tube. Cape region. B.M. 1975. Berger 131, 132. Salm, Aloe §27, f. 5.—Varies in a whiter-lvd. form with brighter yellow black-tipped fls., var. xanthostáchys, Berger.
Read about Aloe ferox in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Aloe supralaevis, Haw. (A. Galpinii, Baker. Pachydéndron supralaeve, Haw.). Not branched, 3-6 ft. high: lvs. numerous, upcurved, lanceolate, glaucescent. 4-6 x 20-30 in., prickly on the back only, the marginal teeth rather large, reddish brown: infl. 3 ft. or more high; fls. 1-1⅛ in. long, red-orange, becoming yellower, with segms. longer than the tube. Cape. Salm, Aloe §27, f. 6. Berger 129, 130.—Varies in a form with few if any prickles on the backs of lvs., var. erythrocárpa, Berger. Berger 130.
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Pests and diseases
- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Aloe ferox. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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