ExpandRead about Abelmoschus manihot subsp. manihot in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Hibiscus manihot, Linn. Fig. 1831. Tall and stout (3-9 ft.), glabrous or somewhat hairy: lvs. large, palmately or pedately 5-9-parted into long and narrow oblong- lanceolate dentate lobes: bracteoles oblong-lanceolate, falling after a time (as does the calyx): fls. large (4-9 in. across), pale yellow (sometimes white), with a purple eye, very showy: caps, oblong and hispid. China and Japan; widely spread in the tropics, and naturalized in the southern states. B.M. 1702; 3152; 7752. S.H. 2:263.—This is apparently the Sunset hibiscus of the trade; also the Queen of the Summer hibiscus. In botanical works, H. manihot is said to be an annual, but as known to horticulturists it is perennial in mild climates, although not persisting long and making its best bloom on young plants. For a discussion of this point as related to the limitations of the species, see G. C. III. 22:249; Gn. 53, p. 127 (and plate 1157). Botanically, the species is allied to H. esculentus. Not hardy in the open in the N., but the roots may be taken up in the fall and carried over winter in a warm dry cellar. In the Middle States and S., it may be expected to survive if well mulched. Grows readily from seeds, blooming late the first year if the seeds are started under glass. Var. dissectus, Hort., has the lvs. cut almost to the petiole into narrow lobes.
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