Plant Characteristics
?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
ExpandRead about Calycanthus in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Calycanthus (Kalyx and anthos, flower; the calyx is large and conspicuous). Syn. Butneria. Calycanthaceae. Carolina Allspice. Sweet-scented Shrub. Ornamental shrubs, cultivated chiefly for their fragrant flowers.
Winter-buds small, without bud-scales, hidden by the base of petiole before the lvs. fall: lvs. opposite, petioled, entire: fls. with numerous imbricate sepals and no distinct petals; stamens many, short with innate anthers; pistils many, inclosed in a hollow receptacle: fr. caps.- like, formed like the rose-hip by the calyx-tube and containing numerous achenes.—Four species in N. Amer.
These are deciduous shrubs of aromatic fragrance, with opposite rather large leaves usually rough above and brown or brownish usually fragrant flowers, terminal on leafy branchlets followed by a large capsule- like dry fruit. Except C. occidentalis, the species are hardy or nearly hardy North. They grow in almost any well-drained and somewhat rich soil, and succeed as well in shady as in sunny positions. Propagated by seeds sown in spring; also increased by layers put down in summer, and by suckers or division of older plants.
C. Mohrii, Small. Shrub, 2-6 ft.: lvs. ovate to oblong-ovate at the base, rounded to subcordate or broadly cuneate, densely pubescent beneath, 2-7 in. long: fls. purple, fragrant, more than 2 in. across. Tenn. and Als. Little-known species, very similar to C. floridus var. ovatus, but the fr. campanulate and not contracted at the mouth. It has proved hardy at the Arnold Arboretum.—C. praecox. Linn.~Meratia praecox. Alfred rehdee.CH
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Pests and diseases
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- Calycanthus floridus (Carolina Sweetshrub). Pennsylvania and Ohio south to Mississippi and northern Florida.
- Calycanthus floridus var. floridus (syn. C. mohrii). Twigs pubescent.
- Calycanthus floridus var. glaucus (syn. C. fertilis). Twigs glabrous.
- Calycanthus occidentalis (California Sweetshrub). California (widespread), Washington (local, Seattle area).
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