Chamaedorea (Greek, dwarf and gift). Palmaceae. Spineless, erect, procumbent or rarely climbing usually pinnatisect or pinnate palms.
Trunks solitary or cespitose, slender or reed-like: lvs. simple, bifid at the apex or variously equally-pinnatisect; lobes broad or narrow, straight or oblique, acuminate, plicate-nerved, usually callous at the base, the basal margins folded back or recurved; petiole usually cylindrical; sheath tubular, oblique at the throat: spadices among or below the lvs., simple or paniculately branched; spathes 3 or many, often appearing much below the lvs., alternate, sheathing, elongated, split at the apex, membranous or coriaceous, usually persistent; pistillate fls. very small, solitary, in small pits in the spadix: fr. small, of 1-3 globose or oblong-obtuse carpels, coriaceous or fleshy.—Species about 60. Mex. to Panama.
Peat or leaf- mold, loam and sand in equal parts, with a little charcoal added, form the best soil. The species common in cultivation are quick- growing. They are well suited for planting out in greenhouse borders. The sexes are on different plants; therefore several should be planted in a group if the handsomely colored fruit is desired. All of the kinds require warm temperature in winter. Increased from seeds. Of the many species, only a few appear in the American trade. (G. W. Oliver.)
C. atrovirens, Mart. St. bamboo-like, stiff and simple, about 9 ft. high: lvs. bright green, spreading, about 2½ ft. long. Mex. Not common in the trade but grown in fanciers' collections. — C. bambusoides, Hort.. Sts. tufted, thin, reed-like, with feathery light green lvs. Honduras. — C. formosa, Hort. A showy pinnate-lvd. palm of unknown botanical status. G.C. II. 5:724. — C. geonomaeformis, Wendl. St. 4 ft.: lvs. simple, deeply cut, about 9 in. long: spadix from among the lvs. long-pendulous. Guatemala. Gn. 24, p. 244; 30, p. 593.— There are said to be a number of unidentified species scattered about Calif.CH
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