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ExpandRead about Cytisus in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
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- Cytisus Adamii, Poir.(syn. Laburnum Adamii).CH
- Cytisus alpinus, Mill. (syn. Laburnum alpinum).CH
- Cytisus austriacus. Linn. Allied to C. supinus. Lfts. narrow, oblanceolate, silky pubescent on both aides: fls. yellow; calyx densely villous. S.E. Eu., Caucasus.CH
- Cytisus Beanii, Nichols. (C. Ardoinii X C. purgans). Low shrub with golden yellow fls., and narrow mostly simple lvs. G. 30:207.CH
- Cytisus biflorus, L'Her. (syn. C. ratisbonensis).CH
- Cytisus cantabricus, Willd. Allied to C. scoparius. but prostrate, with silky Lvs. and large bright yellow fls.: pod villous. May. Spain.CH
- Cytisus congestus. Ball (Teline congesta, Webb). Allied to C. linifolius. Densely villous-tomentose. small-lvd.: Lvs. short petioled: racemes short. Teneriffa.CH
- Cytisus Dallimorei, Rolfe (C. multiflorus X C. scoparius var. Andreanus). Upright shrub with pale purple fls. G.C. III. 51:198. Gn. 74, p. 291. G.M. 65:11. B.M. 8482. There are forms with sulfur-yellow and one with orange-yellow fls.CH
- Cytisus elongato-purpureus, Hort. (syn. C. versicolor).CH
- Cytisus elongatus, & Kit. (syn. C. ratisbonensis var. elongatus).—C, emeriflorus, Reichb. (C. glabrescens, Sartor, not Schrank). Allied to C. Ardoini: Sparingly appressed-pubescent: branchlets angled: fls. yellow: pod glabrous. N. Italy. G.W. 15, p. 557.CH
- Cytisus fragrans, Lam. Allied to C. filipes. Petioles short: Ifts. densely pubescent: fls. fragrant, white. Spring. Teneriffa. J.H. III. 50:448.CH
- Cytisus glabrescens, Sartor., not Schrank (syn. C. emeriflorus).CH
- Cytisus handsworthensis, Paul & Sons. "A white-fld. plant suitable for the rockery."CH
- Cytisus Hille- brandtii. Briquet (Genista Hillebrandtii, Christ). A suffruticose species, with long, slender hairy sts. and trifoliate hairy Lvs. Canary Isls.CH
- Cytisus incarnatus, Hort. (syn. C. versicolor).CH
- Cytisus Laburnum, Linn. (syn. Laburnum vulgare).CH
- Cytisus nubigenus, Link (syn. C. fragrans).CH
- Cytisus purgans, Willd. Shrub, to 3 ft., appressed-pubescent: branches striped: Lvs. 1-3-foliolate, oblong or linear-lanceolate: fls. axillary, yellow, fragrant: pod glabrous. May-July. Spain, S. France.CH
- Cytisus ramentaceus, Sieb. (syn. Petteria ramentacea).CH
- Cytisus ratisbon ensis, Schaeff. Allied to C. hirsutus. To 3 ft.: branches slender, appressed-pubescent: Ifts. glabrous above, silky beneath: fls. 1-2, yellow; calyx with appressed, yellowish, silky hairs. April-June. M. Eu., W. Asia. Var. elongates, Koch. More erect: fls. larger, 3-5; calyx with somewhat spreading hairs. B.R. 4:308 (as C. biflorus).CH
- Cytisus sessilifolius, Linn. Allied to C. nigricans. Quite glabrous: Lvs. nearly sessile, with roundish-obovate Ifts.: racemes short, 4-11-fld. May, June. S. Eu. B.M. 255.CH
- Cytisus Spachianus, Kuntze (Genista Spachiana, Webb). Closely related to C. canariensis. Taller: Ifts. obovate, acuminate: racemes somewhat elongated. Canary Isls. B.M. 4195.CH
- Cytisus triflorus, L'Her. Similar to C. hirsutus. Fls. long-pedicelled, yellow; calyx-tube short, not tubular. April, May. 8. Eu., N. Afr. Tender. F.C. 3:102.-C.versicolor, Dipp. (C. hirsutus X C. purpureus). Low shrub, with sparingly villous Lvs.: fla. yellowish white and pale purple. Sometimes cult. as C. incarnatus.CH
- Cytisus Weldenii, Vis. (syn. Petteria ramentacea.)CH
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- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Cytisus. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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