Heracleum stevenii
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Read about Heracleum stevenii in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Heracleum villosum, Fisch. (H. yiganteum, Hort.). Lvs. sinuate- pinnatifid, sharply serrate, acuminate, woolly-tomentose beneath; Ifts. of involucres short, bristly, deflexed: fls. white or whitish, in umbels sparingly rayed: fr. elliptic, ciliate, woolly on the back. Caucasus. G.C. III. 3:437; 20:271. J.H. III. 49:115. G. 7:537. G.W. 7, p. 357. Gn.W. 20:47- Gn.M. 14:171.—A bold species, reaching 8-12 ft. in height. Said to be sometimes biennial.