Hydrangea Var. stellata
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Read about Hydrangea Var. stellata in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Hydrangea Var. stellata, Dipp. (H. stellata, Sieb. & Zucc.). Lvs. ovate or ovate-oblong, sparingly pubescent: cymes with larger sterile and smaller fertile fls., both with many narrow-elliptic sepals. S.Z. 59. Var. fimbriata, Dipp. Cymes rather dense, with almost all the fls. sterile; sepals fimbriata, white, pink toward the base. G.C. III. 23, suppl. May 28. Var. prolifera, Hort. (H. stellata Var. prolifera, Regel). The fertile fls. bearing 1 or few smaller ones in the center. Var. rubro-plena, Dipp. Cymes rather dense, with almost all fls. sterile, changing from pink or pale lilac to dark red. There are also some varieties with variegated lvs., as var. variegata, Hort. (H. japonica variegata, Hort.), a form of var. japonica with the lvs. edged white (H.F. 1861:108); var. albo-variegata, Hort. (H. japonica fol. albo-variegatis, Hort.), a form of var. belzonii, with the lvs. edged white (F.S. 7:696. G. 27:517); var. tricolor, Hort., with the lvs. variegated with white and edged yellow; var. roseo-marginata, Hort., with the lvs. spotted white and edged pink; var. nivalis, Hort. (H. hortensia nivalis, Bull & Sons). Lvs. with a deep green margin and an irregular patch of creamy white in the center. G.C. III. 32:455. G.M. 47:639.
Pests and diseases
- Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture, by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
External links
- w:Hydrangea Var. stellata. Some of the material on this page may be from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons license.
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