Neillia (named after Patrick Neill, at the beginning of the nineteenth century secretary of the Caledonian Horticultural Society at Edinburgh). Rosaceae. Ornamental shrubs chiefly grown for their graceful habit, the handsome bright green foliage and the attractive flowers.
Deciduous: lvs. stipulate, alternate, short-petioled, doubly serrate and usually more or less lobed: fls. in racemes; calyx-tube rather large, campanulate or almost tubular, with 5 short erect sepals exceeding the 5 oval petals; stamens 10-30, carpels 1 or 2 with terminal slender styles: pod dehiscent only at the inner suture, with several shining seeds. From Spiraea it differs, like the allied genera Physocarpus and Stephanandra, by its stipulate lvs. and shining crustaceous seeds.—About 10 species in China and the Himalayas.
The neillias are graceful shrubs, with spreading branches, bright green generally ovate leaves and with pink or whitish rather small flowers in terminal racemes. N. sinensis, which is the handsomest of the species in cultivation, and N. longeracemosa have proved fairly hardy at the Arnold Arboretum, while N. thyrsiflora requires protection even in the Middle States, and is often killed to the ground in severe winters, but usually vigorous young shoots spring up and bloom and fruit in the same season. On account of their graceful habit and handsome foliage they may be used as border plants for shrubberies. They grow in any good moderately moist soil. Propagation is readily effected by greenwood cuttings under glass and also by seeds treated like those of spirea.
N. affinis, Hemsl. Closely allied to N. longeracemosa. Branchlets glabrous: lvs. broader, nearly glabrous: racemes shorter; calyx sometimes bristly; ovary villous. W. China. — N.amurensis Nichols.-Physocarpus amurensis. — N. opulifolius. Brew. & Wats. -Physocarpus opulifolius. — N, Tandkae, Franch. A Sav.-Stephanandra Tanakae. — .N. thibetica, Franch. Closely allied to N. longeracemosa. Lvs. cordate, pubescent beneath, slightly 3-lobed; stipules ovate, often sparingly toothed: calyx-tube cylindric, pubescent and often bristly; ovary silky pubescent. W. China. — N. Torreyi, Wats.-Physocarpus monogynus.
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