Plant Characteristics
?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
ExpandRead about Phlomis in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Phlomis (old Greek name used by Dioscorides). Labiatae. Jerusalem Sage. Stout mostly tall plants sometimes grown in the open for the dense axillary whorls of rather large yellow, purple or white flowers.
Plants more or less woolly, some of the species conspicuously white- woolly, shrubs or perennial herbs: lvs. all alike, or the uppermost reduced to bracts: whorls many- or few-fld.; fls. sessile; calyx usually plicate, truncate or with 5 equal teeth; upper lip of the corolla (galea) broad and compressed or strongly concave, rarely narrow and falcate; lower lip 3-cleft and spreading; tube usually bearing a woolly ring inside; stamens 4,didynamous, ascending under the upper lip, one pair of filaments often appendaged at base; style 2-fobed: nutlets 4, obovoia or ovoid, triquetrous, glabrous or pubescent.— Medit. region and to China, perhaps 70 species. Perhaps a dozen species have been cult., but they are rather coarse plants except for wild gardening and among shrubbery. They are of the easiest cult. Prop, by seeds, cuttings, and the herbaceous species by division. P. tuberosa Linn., of Eu., has run wild sparingly in the E. It is a vigorous and hardy species, prop, by subterranean tubers.
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