ExpandRead about Pleurothallis in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Pleurothallis (Greek, lateral branch; referring to the inflorescence, which arises from the axil of the leaf). Orchidaceae. Epiphytic orchids which on account of their small inconspicuous flowers are of no particular horticultural value, and not generally cultivated, although interesting. Stems clustered on the rhizome, sheathed with scales below and bearing a single lf. at the summit: fls. in a nodding raceme from the axil of the lf.; sepals free or the lateral ones united at the base; petals smaller; labellum free, similar to the petals or 3-lobed; column short, without lateral branches.—One of the largest of the genera of orchids containing about 400 species, dispersed in the region extending from Brazil and Bolivia to Mex. and the W. Indies. P. apiculata, Lindl. Lvs. 1-2 in. long, linear-lanceolate: racemes 3-5-fld., about as long as lvs.; fls. pale yellow, about 1/4in. long. Venezuela.—P. attenuata, Rolfe. Lvs. elliptic, 1-1 1/4 in. long: scapes slender 2-4 fld ;fls about 2/3in long sepals and petals light green marked with purple lip greenish white- P barbosana De Wild Lvs small oblong lanceolate fls small yellow rather nodding. Brazil.— P. Birchenallii, Rolfe. Fls. 3-7 in a raceme; sepals dull reddish purple, the dorsal green-margined at base, lanceolate, long-acuminate, nearly 2 in. long; petals long-acuminate, about l 1/4 in. long, light green striped brown at base; lip 3-lobed, less than 1/2 in. long, the erect side lobes greenish white, the front lobe dull reddish purple. Colombia. G.C. III. 45:391.— P. Cogniauaeriana Schlecht.Fls. densely hairy on outside, pale, densely covered with purple markings. Costa Rica.—P. crinifera, Hort. Very small: lvs.orbicular: infl. bearing 4 fls., each about 1/3 in. long, covered outside with long whitish hairs; dorsal sepal light green, with pale brown dots; lateral sepals united, red-purple. Brazil.—P. cuneifolia, Cogn. Lvs. very fleshy, lanceolate: fls. 1 2/4 in.long; lower half of sepals thin, pale yellow with red spots, upper half very fleshy, pale reddish brown. Brazil.—P. dubia, A. Rich. Small, creeping: fls. yellow, with shining orange-yellow lip. Mex.— P. pectinata, Lindl. Raceme distichous; fls. sea-green, with a few deep purple spots on base of lip; sepals pubescent, elongated, the dorsal linear; petals linear-lanceolate; lip clawed, oblong, toothed at base. Brazil. G.W. 14, p. 523; 15, p. 680.—P. repens, Ames. Lvs. 1 1/2-2 in. long, elliptic-oblong: peduncles 1-fld.; fls. 3-3 1/2 in long, reddish brown. S. Brazil.—P. rubens, Lindl. Raceme very long; sepals lanceolate, acuminate; petals obtuse; lip obovate, repand, obtuse. Brazil. G.W. 13, p. 367.—P. subulifolia, Kranzl. Lvs. nearly 2 in. long, subulate: racemes slightly longer than lvs., 5 or more-fld ; fls. about 1/4in. long, yellow, with purple lines. Brazil.—P. venosa, Rolfe. Lvs. 5 1/2-8 in. long, lanceolate-oblong: racemes many-fld.4-6 in.long; fls. very small, greenish. Trop. Amer. George V. Nash
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