Plumbaginaceae (from the genus Plumbago, from plumbum, lead; perhaps in reference to the lead-like stain given by the roots to the fingers). Leadwort Family. Fig. 47. Herbs or shrubs: leaves alternate, linear or lanceolate: flowers bisexual, regular; calyx bracteate, 5-fid, usually scarious, and plicate, angled or winged, sometimes colored, persistent; corolla gamopetalous, or of 5 nearly separate petals, mostly convolute; stamens 5, epipetalous, opposite the lobes of the corolla; ovary superior, 1-celled; ovule 1, basal; styles 5: fruit a capsule or utricle, invested by the calyx.
The ten genera and about 250 species, of almost cosmopolitan distribution, are found usually inhabiting seacoasts and alkaline regions; they are most abundant in the Mediterranean region, and in Central Asia. The family is closely related to the Primulaceae, but has only one seed.
A fatty substance in the root of certain Plumbagos gives a lead-colored stain to the fingers and paper. These roots were formerly used for toothache, ulcers, and the like. Beggars are said still to use them to produce sores. The roots of Statice latifolia of Russia contain tannin and have been used for tanning.
There are 5 or 6 genera in cultivation in North America; Acantholimon from Armenia, hardy; Armeria (Sea Pink, Thrift) of Europe and Asia, hardy; Ceratostigma of China, hardy; Plumbago (Leadwort), of Asia, Africa, Australia, mostly of the greenhouse; Statice (Sea Lavender), of Europe, Asia, North America, hardy. Some species of this family are used for dry bouquets.
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