Plant Characteristics
?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
ExpandRead about Prunus sieboldii in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Prunus sieboldii, Wittm. (Cerasus Sieboldii, Carr. P. Pseudo-Cerasus var. Sieboldii, Maxim. Cerasus Watereri, Hort.). Japanese Flowering Cherry. Strong-growing tree, like a sweet cherry, producing showy pink double fls. with the lvs. or just in advance of them: lvs. oval or ovate, abruptly acuminate, rounded at base, densely soft pilose beneath, the margins very sharply gland-serrate; petiole hairy, usually bearing 1 or 2 small glands at apex: fls. 1-1 1/2in. across, 2-4 on each short peduncle, the pedicels more or less pilose; calyx-tubesparsely hairy or nearly glabrous, the ovate rather obtuse entire lobes about equaling the tube; style hairy at base. Japan, China. Known only in double- fld. forms. R.H. 1866, p. 371. Gn. 33, p. 420. G.W. 16, p.355. Gt, 51:1494a. A.G. 12:400, 401.—Wilson writes that in habit and general appearance this species strongly resembles P. Lannesiana, but is distinguished by the pubescent caudate-acuminate lvs. which are sharply and often obscurely doubly serrate with small teeth: fls. double or semi-double, normally pink and preceding the foliage; if the fls. precede the lvs. the peduncle is very short, when coetaneous with the foliage the peduncle is much elongated and the fls. may then be nearly or quite white.
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