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Read about Puschkinia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Puschkinia (named for Count M. Puschkin). Liliaceae. Hardy or half-hardy bulbous plants which may be used in the rock-garden or border.

Leaves radical, few, the first often oblong, the others linear: infl. a simple leafless scape; fls. few, blue, loosely racemose; perianth campanulate, of 6 subequal lobes; stamens 6; ovary sessile, 3-celled: caps. membranaceous, dehiscent.—Two species, Asia Minor, the Caucasus and Afghanistan. These attractive spring-blooming bulbs have clusters of small 6-lobed white fls., each narrow lobe being prettily lined with blue. A good specimen may have as many as 10 fls., each 3/4in. across. The peculiar feature of the genus is the crown on which the stamens are borne. This is a white body of petal-like texture, having 6 lobes, each of which is variously toothed. The genus is allied to Scilla and Chionodoxa.

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