ExpandRead about Quercus ilex in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Quercus Ilex, Linn. Holly or Holm Oak. Evergreen tree, to 60 ft.,
with large, round-topped head: bark not corky: lvs. very variable,
ovate to lanceolate, remotely serrate or almost entire and with
revolute margin, dark green above, yellowish or whitish tomentose or
sometimes glabrescent beneath, 1-3 in. long: fr. 1-3, usually
peduncled; acorn ovate, embraced about one-half by the cup; scales thin, appressed,
rarely slightly spreading. S. Eu. M. D.G. 1898:275. H.W. 2:25, pp.
77-79. G.M.54: 895. Gn. 65, p. 320. Var. Ballota, DC. (Q. Ballota,
Desf.). Lvs. smaller, orbicular or broadly ovate; the sweet acorn is
often gathered for food. Var. Fordii, Nichols. (Q. Fordii, Carr.). Of
pyramidal habit with narrower and smaller lvs. R.H. 1861, pp. 114, 115;
1885, pp. 352, 353. Not to be confounded with Q. Fordiana, Hemsl., a
Chinese species with chestnut-like lvs.
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