Renanthera (named from the reni- form anther). Orchidaceae. Tall climbing epiphytes.
Stems branched, sometimes 12—14 ft. high : lvs. distichous on the st. : fls. in large, drooping racemes or panicles; sepals and petals spreading, similar or the lateral sepals often larger and of a different color ; labellum small, movably joined to the column, spurred or spurless, often with small, erect, lateral lobes. —About 15 or more species, in Malay Archipelago and Cochin-China. Cult. is similar to that of Aerides and Vanda.
R. annamensis, Rolfe. Dwarf, erect, up to 1 ft. tall: lvs. unequally 2-lobed at apex, 2-3 in. long, about 1/2in. broad: racemes many-fld. ; fls. yellow, crimson-spotted on the sepals, spur and base of petals, the last also with an apical deep crimson spot; dorsal sepal oblong, obtuse, 1/2in. long, the lateral spatulate, 3/4in. long; petals obtuse, 1/4in. long; lip 3-lobed, 1/4in. long, the lobes crimson. Annam. B.M. 8116.— R. Imschootiana, Rolfe. Sts. l ft. long: lvs. linear-oblong, 2-4 in. long, 1 in. wide: infl. a raceme or panicle. up to 1 ft. long, the rachis, branches and pedicels bright red; dorsal sepal linear -oblong, obtuse, dull yellow, 3/4in. long, lateral 1 1/2 in. long, clawed, oval, cinnabar -red above, ochre beneath; petals a little shorter than dorsal sepal, narrowly apatulate, yellow, spotted blood-red; lip minute, 3-lobed. Assam. B.M. 7711. Gn.W. 11:809. O. 1910, p. 24. — R. matutina, Lindl. St. 2-3 ft.: lvs. linear-oblong, 4-6 in. long: fls. numerous, reddish crimson, toned yellow, and becoming orange-yellow when old; sepals and petals similar, linear, acute; lip saccate, subcylindric. Java. R.B. 31:252. — R. pulchella, Rolfe. Resembling R. Imschootiana, but fls. only about half the size, yellow, with side lobes of lip and upper half of petals crimson.Burma
Heinrich Hasselbring.
George V. Nash.
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