Ribes petraeum

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Read about Ribes petraeum in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Ribes petraeum, Wulf. (R. bullatum, Otto and Dietr.). Upright shrub, to 8 ft.: branches usually glabrous: lvs. roundish, subcordate or truncate, usually 3-lobed, with acutish lobes, rugose, pubescent beneath, 3-4 in. broad: racemes dense, to 4 in. long; fls. red or pink; pedicels short; bracts very small; calyx-tube broadly campanulate with short spreading rounded ciliate sepals; petals nearly half as long as sepals, with a callosity below the base: fr. dark red, acid. Mts. of Cent. and S. Eu., Caucasus, N. Asia. R.F.G. 23:138. Var. carpathicum, Jancz. (R. carpathicum, Kit.). Lvs. usually 3-lobed, rugose, glabrescent: racemes looser and smaller. Carpathian Mts. Var. Biebersteinii, Jancz. (R. Biebersteinii, Berl. R. caucasicum, Bieb. R. macrobotrys, Hort.). Lvs. usually 5-lobed, with short obtuse lobes, cordate, not rugose, glabrescent or pubescent: racemes long; fls. reddish: fr. red or blackish purple. Caucasus. Var. atropurpureum, Jancz. (R. atropurpureum, C. A. Mey.). Lvs. subcordate or truncate, usually 3-lobed, with acutish lobes, not rugose, glabrescent or pubescent beneath, to 6 in. broad: racemes short; fls. purple; the disk inside without callosities: fr. red or blackish purple. Siberia.

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