Miscanthus sinensis

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Read about Miscanthus sinensis in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Miscanthus sinensis, Anders. (Eulalia japonica, Trin.). Figs. 2378, 2379. Spikelets about equaling the white or sub- violet involucral hairs: culm 4-9 ft.: lvs. 2-3 ft., margins scabrous: panicle 6-12 in., formed late in the season.— Established plants form clumps as much as 18 ft. in circum. Sometimes found escaped from cult. The forms in cult.are mostly the following varieties: Var. variegatus, with lvs. striped; var. zebrinus, lvs. banded. These two varieties are not quite so hardy as the type, and are usually prop. by division, as the seeds are not so sure to come true. Gn. 61, p. 74. Gng. 4: 375; 6:107. B.M. 7304. G.W. 3:423. Var. gracillimus (Eulalia, graillima univittata, E. japonica gracillima, etc.). Lvs. much narrower than the type. Gn. 50, p. 108. Gng. 5:273. R.B. 21, p. 179.

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