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2,504 bytes added ,  05:10, 6 November 2007
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| color = lightgreen
| name = ''Adenia''
| image = Wuestenkohlrabi.jpg
|image_caption =''[[Adenia pechuelii]]''
| regnum = [[Plant]]ae
| divisio = [[flowering plant|Magnoliophyta]]
| classis = [[Magnoliopsida]]
| ordo = [[Malpighiales]]
| familia = [[Passifloraceae]]
| genus = '''''Adenia'''''
| genus_authority = [[Peter Forsskål|Forssk.]]
| subdivision_ranks = Species
| subdivision =
See text.

'''''Adenia''''' is a genus in the passionflower family Passifloraceae.

==Species and varieties==

*''Adenia aculeata'' Engl.
*''Adenia cissampeloides'' (Planch. ex Hook.) Harms
*''Adenia cladosepala'' (Baker) Harms
*''Adenia digitata'' Engl.
*''Adenia ellenbeckii'' Harms
*''A. fruticosa
*''Adenia firingalavense'' (Drake ex Jum.) harms
*''Adenia glauca'' Schinz
*''Adenia globosa'' Engl.
*''A. goetzii
*''Adenia keramanthus'' Harms.
*''A. lanceolata
*''Adenia lobata'' (Jacq.) Engl.
*''Adenia olaboensis'' Claverie
*''Adenia pechuelii'' Harms
*''A. racemosa
*''Adenia spinosa'' Burtt Davy
*''A. stenodactyla
*''Adenia venenata'' Forssk.
*''Adenia volkensii'' Harms

This unobtrusive genus should be better known for the extreme toxicity of the [[sap]], especially in those forming a perennial swollen base (a [[caudex]], hence the caudiciform species). In addition to [[cyanogenic]] compounds, these contain [[lectins]] which destroy [[ribosomes]], hence prevent protein synthesis. This is the same mode of action as [[ricin]], and the toxicities are comparable. A. volkensii was shown to be intensely toxic by Barbieri (1984). Pelosi et al (2005) compared ten species, and found 3 (A. stenodactyla, A. goezii and A. lanceolata) which were inhibitory at <0.1 ng/ml and lethal to mice at <2ug/kg, making them among the most potent plant toxins known.

==External links==
*[ International Plant Names Index]
*[ ''Adenia'' spp.]
*[ ''Adenia'' spp.]

Luigi Barbieri, Anna Ida Falasca and Fiorenzo Stirpe (1984)
Volkensin, the toxin of Adenia volkensii (kilyambiti plant) •
FEBS Letters, Volume 171, Issue 2, 11 June 1984, Pages 277-279

Emanuele Pelosi, Chiara Lubelli, Letizia Polito, Luigi Barbieri, Andrea Bolognesi and Fiorenzo Stirpe (2005).
Ribosome-inactivating proteins and other lectins from Adenia (Passifloraceae) •
Toxicon, Volume 46, Issue 6, November 2005, Pages 658-663




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