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Created page with '{{Inc| Hypericum floribundum, Dry. A subshrub, with round, glabrous sts.: lvs. lanceolate-elliptic, rounded at the base; light green; without dots, 1-1½ in. long: fls. in termi…'
Hypericum floribundum, Dry. A subshrub, with round, glabrous sts.: lvs. lanceolate-elliptic, rounded at the base; light green; without dots, 1-1½ in. long: fls. in terminal, many-fld. panicles, l ½ -2 in. diam., with dilated peduncles; sepals ovate-lanceolate, somewhat acute; stamens numerous, in 3 fascicles, petals and stamens persistent; ovary oval; styles long, divergent, with capitate stigmas. From the Canary and Madeira Isls.—Not hardy N., but in cult, in S. Calif. Grows very rapidly to the height of about 12 ft. or more, but it is usually kept lower by topping it after blooming and thus making it bloom again in about two months. Generally prop, from seeds, which are produced freely.


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