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roseo, 3.
roseo, 3.
roylei, 14.
roylei, 14.
Ssultani, 7.
sultani, 7.
vulgaris, 3.
vulgaris, 3.
I. auricoma, Baill. Perennial, 6-24 in.: lvs. alternate, lanceolate, acuminate, crenate and with bristles: fls. golden yellow streaked red within; lateral petals connate; spur short, curved, 2-parted: sta. and midrib reddish. Comoro Isls., Mozambique. B.M. 7381.— I. chrysdntha. Hook. f. Annual, glabrous: lvs. alternate, lanoeovate, serrate: fls. several on a peduncle, golden-yellow; spur short and incurved. India. B.M. 7786.—I. camortensis, Baker. Lvs. elliptic-lanoeolate, acute and crenate: fls. large, bright carmine with 2-parted white spur. Comoro Isls.—I. comorfcoma, Hort. (I. comorensisXI. auricoma). — I. cuspidata, Wight 4 Arn. Shrubby, glabrous, farinaceous: lvs. alternate or uppermost opposite, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, serrulate: fls. solitary, 1 in. across, very pale red; spur slender. India. Var. arthretica, Hook, f., has the lower nodes much thickened. B.M. 7844. — I. falcifer. Hook. f. Annual, more or less decumbent: lvs. alternate, sessile or stalked, ovate to ovate-lanceolate serrate: fls. solitary and short-pedicelled, ringent. golden yellow spotted blood-red; spur slender, to 1 ½ in. long. India. B.M. 7923. — I. herzogii, Schum. Stout branching herb the branches 4-angled: lvs. opposite and whorled, ovate to ovate-lanceolate: fls. soltary or clustered, about 2 in. across. cinnabar; spur to nearly 3 in. long, very slender, incurved. New Guinea. B.M. 8396. R.H. 1913:12. — I. holslani, Hort. (I. holstii X I. sultani). — I. kewensis, Hort. (I. platypetala X I. hersogii). — I. marianae, Reichb. Annual: lvs. cuneate-oblong and acute, serrate with lighter areas between veins: fls. light purple, cymose: standard with a projection below the tip: lip with slender hooked spur. India. G.W. 14, p. 127. — I. psittacina. Hook. f. Annual, leafy and much branched: lvs. alternate, ovate, acuminate, serrate: fls. solitary, oddly colored, 2 sepals green, standard pale rose, wings suffused and streaked red, lip white with irregular dash of carmine: spur short and hooked. Burma. B.M. 7809. — I. thomsonii, Hook. f. Annual, erect, 8-12 in.: lvs. alternate, ovate-lanceolate, serrate: fls. several on a peduncle, ¾ in. long, pale rose; spur slender, incurved. India. B.M. 7795. L. H. B.


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