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Created page with '{{Inc| Jasminum nitidum, skan. slender-branched, somewhat pubescent, half-twining: lvs. opposite, shining. 2-3 in. long, elliptic-lanceolate, short-acuminate, the base somewhat c…'
Jasminum nitidum, skan. slender-branched, somewhat pubescent, half-twining: lvs. opposite, shining. 2-3 in. long, elliptic-lanceolate, short-acuminate, the base somewhat cuneate, green above and pale beneath, lightly pilose along the rib, primary veins 3, the petiole less than シ in. long and very pilose: fls. white, in small cymes, very fragrant, the pedicels about 1/3 in. long; calyx pilose, the teeth linear and recurved and about 1/6 in. long; corolla-tube narrow, セ in. long; lobes of corolla 9-12, linear-lanceolate, spreading. 1 ス in. broad. Admiralty Isls. (Bismarck Archipelago). R.B. 32, p. 182. R.H. 1907, pp. 110, 111. J.H. III. 60:237. Gn. 63, p. 61. A.F. 15:1237.An excellent warmhouse climber.
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