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vilmoreana, 11.
vilmoreana, 11.
vitmoriniana, 11.
vitmoriniana, 11.
Besides these described above, several other hybrids have been reported. Luther Burbank raised a hybrid between J. hindsii and J. nigra, named "Royal," with large nuts of excellent flavor, and one between J. Hindsii and J. regia, named "Paradox," a very vigorous grower, but a shy bearer. There are supposed hybrids between J. mandschurica X J. regia, J. cinerea XJ. nigra and J. cinerea X J. rupestris; J. longirostris, carr. (R. H. 1878, p. 53), may be a hybrid between J. regia and J. major, which often has a fr. similar in shape to the one figured.—J. australis. Griseb. Allied to J. rupestris. lfts. 13-21, large, ovate-oblong, abruptly acuminate, serrate, viscid- pubescent: nut ovoid, acute, small, slightly grooved. Argentina.— J. collapsa, Dode. Allied to J. mandschurica and probably only a variety, but nut less rugose, less sharply angled, with ovoid depressions. Probably from N. China.—J. kamadnia, Dode (J. regia var. kamaonia, DC.). Allied to J. regi. Lfta. 5-11, oblong-elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, puberulous on both sides, rufous-pubescent on the veins beneath: nut globose, rather hard-shelled. Himalayas. —J. stenocorpa, Maxim. Closely allied to J. mandschurica. Lfts. narrower, more coarsely serrate, more pubescent, the terminal 1ft. very large: fr. more oblong, less strongly ridged. Manchuria.
Alfred Rehder


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