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Kalmia latifolia, Linn. Mountain or American Laurel. Calico Bush. Fig. 2029. Shrub, 4-10 ft. high, rarely tree to 30 ft., with dense, round-topped head: lvs. petioled, alternate or irregularly whorled, oblong or elliptic-lanceolate, acute at both ends, dark green above, yellowish green below, 3-4 in. long: fls. in large, terminal compound corymbs on viscid peduncles; corolla rose-colored to white, with purple markings within, about 3/4in. across. May, June. New Bruns. to Fla., west to Ohio and Tenn. B.M. 175. Em. 443. 8.8.5:236,237. A.F. 13:32. Gng. 1:306; 3:1; 7:289. Gn. 22:6; 27, p. 549; 33, p. 607; 52, p. 77; 61. p. 9. G.M. 51:551. G. 19:708; 21:664; 35:33, 497. F.E. 9:401. C.L.A. 3:181. A.G. 19:465. M.D.G. 1903:576-79. G.F. 3:453. Mn. 8:183. J.H. III. 51:361. var. alba, bosse. fls. almost white. var. fuscata, Rehd. Corolla inside with a broad_ dark purpish brown band. var. myrtifolia, Bosse (var. nana or var. minor, Hort.). Fig. 2030. lvs. small, 1-2 in. long, deep green, of slow growth, forming a low, dense bush. G.F. 8:317 (adapted in Fig. 2030). R.H. 1883, p. 11. Gn. 29, p. 379; 33, p. 603. var. obtusata, Rehd. Of compact habit and slow growth: lvs. elliptic or oval, obtuse at both ends, 2-3 in. long. var. polypetala, Nichols, (var. monstruosa, Mouillef.). Fig. 2031. Corolla divided into 5 narrow petals which gives to the fls. a feathery appearance. G.F. 3:453 (adapted in Fig. 2031). var. rubra, Sweet (var. pavartii, Andre). Fls. deep pink. R.H. 1888:540.
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