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Created page with '{{Inc| Kalmia carolina, small (K. caroliniana, day). Similar to the preceding, but the young parts finely pubescent: lvs. oval to oblong, obtuse, grayish pubescent below. 2/3-1 3…'
Kalmia carolina, small (K. caroliniana, day). Similar to the preceding, but the young parts finely pubescent: lvs. oval to oblong, obtuse, grayish pubescent below. 2/3-1 3/4in. long: fls. purplish,1/3in. across, in small corymbs; sepals oblong-lanceolate, puberulous. June, July. Va. to N. C. B.B. (ed. 2) 2:684.—has proved hardy at the Arnold Arboretum.



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