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Kalmia polifolia, Wang. (K. glauca, Ait.). Low, straggling shrub, to 2 ft.: lvs. almost sessile, oval to linear-oblong, obtuse, revolute at the margins, 1/2-1 ½in.- long: fls. in simple terminal umbels, slender-pedicelled, ½-3/4in. across, rose-colored or purplish. May, June. Newfoundland to Pa. and in the rocky mts. from Sitka to Calif. B.M. 177. L.B.C. 16:1508. Em. 441. var. microphylla, Rehd. (K. microphylla, Heller), is the alpine form of the rocky mts., growing only a few inches high, and with very small lvs., 1/2in. or less long. var. rosmarinifolia, Rehd. (K. glauca var. rosma- rinifolia, Pursh), has narrow, linear-oblong, strongly revolute lvs.
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