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Kigelia (from a native name). Bignoniaceae. About a dozen trees of Trop. Afr. (one extending into S. Afr.), remarkable for the long-hanging fls. and frs. Lvs. odd-pinnate: fls. orange or red, on long-peduncled lax panicles; calyx 2-5-lobed, campanulate; corolla broadly campanulate and narrowing below into a straight cylindrical or constricted tube, the limb 2- lipped; upper lip 2-lobed and nearly erect; lower lip deeply 3-lobed and deflexed; stamens 4, didynamous, somewhat or partially exserted; disk ring-like: fr. a cylindrical, indehiscent rough body, with a thick exterior and a fibrous pulp holding the seeds. K. pinnata, DC. (Fig. 2034), the "fetish-tree" and "sausage-tree,' is offered in S. Calif., and specimens may be expected in botanical collections in the W. Indies. It is native of the Mozambique district in Afr., where it makes a tree 20-50 ft. high, according to Sprague: lvs. ternate, the lfts. 7-9, efliptic-oblong or obovate and 3-6 in. long, serrate or entire, usually glabrous above but sometimes more or less pubescent beneath, the lateral lfts. sessile but the terminal one with a stalk several inches or a foot long: fls. claret-colored, with a corolla-tube to 3 in. long dilated at the mouth, and lobes to 2 1/2in. long: fr. 12-18 in. long, blunt, 5 in. diam., hanging on a peduncle or cord often several ft. long, making very striking objects. In parts of Afr. this tree, or possibly a related species, is said to be held sacred; and the fr., when cut and slightly roasted, is said to be used as outward applications in certain diseases. The tree is practically unknown in the U. S. G.C. III. .50, suppl. Aug. 12 (1911). L. H B.
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