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Koelreuteria paniculata, Laxm. (Sapindus chinensis, Linn.). Figs. 2042-2044. Tree, to 30 ft.: lvs. pinnate or sometimes bipinnate, to 14 in. long; lfts. 7-15, ovate to oblong- ovate, coarsely and irregularly crenate-serrate, at the base often incisely lobed, glabrous above, pubescent on the veins below or nearly glabrous, 1-3 ½ in. long: fls. yellow, ½ in. long, in broad panicles to 18 in. long; filaments hairy: caps, ovate-oblong, gradually narrowed into the pointed apex, 1 ½ -2 in. long. July, Aug.; fr. in Sept. China, Korea, Japan. I.T. 4:147. G.C. III. 2:561. B.R. 330. Gng. 2:353; 8:219. Gn. 32, p. 378. J.H.S. 27, p. 875. G.W. 5, p. 81; 9, p. 9; 13, p. 529.— It is often cult, in the Cent. W., Kans., Mo., and southward, as an ornamental tree, as it stands drought and hot winds well. It is there popularly known as "pride of India" or "China tree," but the first name belongs properly to Melia Azedarach and the second to Sapindus; it is also sometimes called "varnish tree," but the true varnish tree is Rhus verniciflua.—K. japonica, Sieb., is scarcely different; it is said to differ in its more deeply serrate lvs. and smaller fr.
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