− | Iris urmiensis, Hoog (I. chrysantha, Baker). Rhizome short-creeping: lvs. linear, 1 ft. long, thick and firm, glaucescent with a pale margin: st. slen- der, as long as the lvs.: spathe - valves lanceolate - acuminate, 4 in. long, pale green, chartaceous: fls. pale yellow; outer segms. oblong, emarginate, 3 in. long, reflexed from near the base, with a bright orange beard; inner segms. erect, obovate- cuneate, as long as the outer and broader; style- branches yellow, an inch broad, with large quadrate entire crests. Probably near Lake Urumiah in N. W. Persia. B.M. 7784. Gn. 58, p. 375. G.C. III. 28:373. | + | Iris urmiensis, Hoog (I. chrysantha, Baker). Rhizome short-creeping: lvs. linear, 1 ft. long, thick and firm, glaucescent with a pale margin: st. slen- der, as long as the lvs.: spathe - valves lanceolate - acuminate, 4 in. long, pale green, chartaceous: fls. pale yellow; outer segms. oblong, emarginate, 3 in. long, reflexed from near the base, with a bright orange beard; inner segms. erect, obovate- cuneate, as long as the outer and broader; style- branches yellow, an inch broad, with large quadrate entire crests. Probably near Lake Urumia in N. W. Persia. |