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|common_name=Creeping thyme, Mother-of-thyme, Wild thyme
|common_name=Creeping thyme, Mother-of-thyme, Wild thyme
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|jumpin=If this plant info box on watering; zones; height; etc. is mostly empty you can click on the edit tab and fill in the blanks!
|image=Thymus aa1.jpg
:''"Creeping Thyme" and "Wild Thyme" redirect here. In some places, these names refer to ''[[Thymus praecox]].
:''"Creeping Thyme" and "Wild Thyme" redirect here. In some places, these names refer to ''[[Thymus praecox]].
| latin_name = ''Thymus serpyllum''
'''''Thymus serpyllum''''', known by the common names of '''Wild Thyme''' or '''Creeping Thyme''' is a species of [[thyme]] native to most of [[Europe]] and [[North Africa]]. It is a low, usually prostrate [[subshrub]] growing to 2 cm tall with creeping stems up to 10 cm long, with oval [[evergreen]] [[leaf|leaves]] 3-8 mm long. The strongly scented [[flower]]s are either lilac, pink-purple, magenta, or a rare white, all 4-6 mm long and produced in clusters. The hardy plant tolerates some pedestrian traffic and produces odors ranging from heavily herbal to lightly lemon, depending on the plant.
| common_names = Wild Thyme, Creeping Thyme
| growth_habit = ?  <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
| high = ?  <!--- 1m (3 ft) -->
| wide =    <!--- 65cm (25 inches) -->
| origin = ?  <!--- Mexico, S America, S Europe, garden, etc -->
| poisonous =    <!--- indicate parts of plants which are known/thought to be poisonous -->
| lifespan = perennial
| exposure = ?  <!--- full sun, part-sun, semi-shade, shade, indoors, bright filtered (you may list more than 1) -->
| water = ?  <!--- frequent, regular, moderate, drought tolerant, let dry then soak -->
| features =    <!--- flowers, fragrance, fruit, naturalizes, invasive -->
| hardiness =    <!--- frost sensitive, hardy, 5°C (40°F), etc -->
| bloom =    <!--- seasons which the plant blooms, if it is grown for its flowers -->
| usda_zones = ?  <!--- eg. 8-11 -->
| sunset_zones =    <!--- eg. 8, 9, 12-24, not available -->
| color = IndianRed
| image = Thymus aa1.jpg
| image_width = 240px    <!--- leave as 240px if horizontal orientation photo, or change to 180px if vertical -->
| image_caption =    <!--- eg. Cultivated freesias -->
| regnum = Plantae
|ordo = Lamiales
|familia = Lamiaceae
| genus = Thymus
| species = serpyllum
| subspecies =
| cultivar =
Thymus serpyllum, Linn.; also spelled Serpyllus (T. azoricus, Lodd. T. hirsutus, Auth. not Bieb. T. micans, Lowe). Mother of Thyme. Creeping Thyme. Perennial or subshrubby, cespitose or creeping: sts. wiry, prostrate and rooting below, ascending-erect above, slightly puberulent: lvs. elliptic, oblong or ovate, obtuse base more or less attenuate, seldom 1/2 in. long, short-petioled: floral-whorls sessile, congested into a head or the lower more or less distant and racemose: fls. minute, lilac or rose; calyx more or less hairy, 2-lipped to the middle, teeth of upper lip triangular, glabrous or ciliate, of lower lip 2, lanceolate-subulate, ciliate; corolla-tube rather included. Temperate parts of Eu., Asia, and N. Afr.—A common plant in old gardens, prized as an evergreen edging and as cover for rockwork and waste places; also run wild. The lvs. are sometimes used for seasoning, as are those of T. vulgaris. The nodes are short, making it a very leafy plant. Variable. Var. albus, Hort., is a white-fld. form. Gt. 45, p. 108. Var. argenteus. Hort., is a form with silver variegated lvs. commonly known in the trade as T. citriodorus argenteus, Hort. Var. aureus, Hort., is a form with golden variegated lvs. growing about 8-12 in. high; usually known in the trade as T. aureus, Hort., or T. citriodorus aureus, Hort.; there is also a minor variation known in the trade as T. Serpyllum aureus marginatus. Var. Chaubardii, Boiss. & Heldr., see T. heterotrichus. Var. citriodorus, Hort., see var. vulgaris. Var. coccineus, Hort. (T. coccineus, Hort.). grows about 1 1/2- 3 in. high, has dark green lvs. and bright crimson fls. Var. lanuginosus, Hort. (T. lanuginosus, Mill. T. Chamaedrys lanuginosus, Hort.). is a low form, about 3 in. high with small roundish lvs. which are gray-pubescent; a good edging plant. Var. montanus, Benth. (T. montanus, Waldst. & Kit. T. Chamaedrys, Auth., not Fries), is a form with the branchlets more erect and the lvs. larger than the type. Var. pulchellus, Hort., has the upper part of the calyx and its teeth purple. G.M. 56:83. Var. splendens, Hort., is a form with brilliant red (according to some bright purplish red) fls. Var. variegatus, Hort., has white-variegated lvs., possibly the same as var. argenteus. Var. vulgaris, Benth. (T. Serpyllum var. citriodorus, Hort. T. citriodorus, Schreb.). Lemon Thyme. Lvs. smaller than the type and strongly veined; the plant has a decided lemon odor.
Thymus serpyllum, Linn.; also spelled Serpyllus (T. azoricus, Lodd. T. hirsutus, Auth. not Bieb. T. micans, Lowe). Mother of Thyme. Creeping Thyme. Perennial or subshrubby, cespitose or creeping: sts. wiry, prostrate and rooting below, ascending-erect above, slightly puberulent: lvs. elliptic, oblong or ovate, obtuse base more or less attenuate, seldom 1/2 in. long, short-petioled: floral-whorls sessile, congested into a head or the lower more or less distant and racemose: fls. minute, lilac or rose; calyx more or less hairy, 2-lipped to the middle, teeth of upper lip triangular, glabrous or ciliate, of lower lip 2, lanceolate-subulate, ciliate; corolla-tube rather included. Temperate parts of Eu., Asia, and N. Afr.—A common plant in old gardens, prized as an evergreen edging and as cover for rockwork and waste places; also run wild. The lvs. are sometimes used for seasoning, as are those of T. vulgaris. The nodes are short, making it a very leafy plant. Variable.  
Var. albus, Hort., is a white-fld. form.  
Var. argenteus. Hort., is a form with silver variegated lvs. commonly known in the trade as T. citriodorus argenteus, Hort.  
Var. aureus, Hort., is a form with golden variegated lvs. growing about 8-12 in. high; usually known in the trade as T. aureus, Hort., or T. citriodorus aureus, Hort.; there is also a minor variation known in the trade as T. Serpyllum aureus marginatus.  
Var. Chaubardii, Boiss. & Heldr., see T. heterotrichus.  
Var. citriodorus, Hort., see var. vulgaris.  
Var. coccineus, Hort. (T. coccineus, Hort.). grows about 1 1/2- 3 in. high, has dark green lvs. and bright crimson fls.  
Var. lanuginosus, Hort. (T. lanuginosus, Mill. T. Chamaedrys lanuginosus, Hort.). is a low form, about 3 in. high with small roundish lvs. which are gray-pubescent; a good edging plant.  
Var. montanus, Benth. (T. montanus, Waldst. & Kit. T. Chamaedrys, Auth., not Fries), is a form with the branchlets more erect and the lvs. larger than the type.  
Var. pulchellus, Hort., has the upper part of the calyx and its teeth purple.  
Var. splendens, Hort., is a form with brilliant red (according to some bright purplish red) fls. Var. variegatus, Hort., has white-variegated lvs., possibly the same as var. argenteus.  
Var. vulgaris, Benth. (T. Serpyllum var. citriodorus, Hort. T. citriodorus, Schreb.). Lemon Thyme. Lvs. smaller than the type and strongly veined; the plant has a decided lemon odor.
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