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Sphedamnocarpus (derivation unknown). Malpighiaceae. Scandent or erect shrubs or subshrubs: leaves opposite, entire, petiolate, without stipules, the petiole glandular: flowers rather large, in 3-4-flowered umbels, collected in terminal panicles; calyx 5-parted, not glandular; petals unequal, short-clawed, the lobes dentate or nearly entire; stamens 10; ovary 3-celled: samaras 3, with a vertical dorsal wing.—About 5 species, Tropical and S. Africa.  
Sphedamnocarpus (derivation unknown). Malpighiaceae. Scandent or erect shrubs or subshrubs: lvs. opposite, entire, petiolate, without stipules, the petiole glandular: fls. rather large, in 3-4-fld. umbels, collected in terminal panicles; calyx 5-parted, not glandular; petals unequal, short-clawed, the lobes dentate or nearly entire; stamens 10; ovary 3-celled: samaras 3, with a vertical dorsal wing.—About 5 species, Trop. and S. Afr. S. pruriens, Szyszylowicz (Acridocarpus pruriens, Juss.). A tall climbing shrub, silky-tomentose on most of its parts: lvs. opposite, ovate-oblong, 1-4 in. long: fls. subcorymbosely clustered at the ends of the branches, 1 – 1 1/2 in. diam., golden yellow; petals short-clawed, orbicular, margins crisped: samaras silky-pubescent. S. Afr. B.M. 7894.
S. pruriens, Szyszylowicz (Acridocarpus pruriens, Juss.). A tall climbing shrub, silky-tomentose on most of its parts: leaves opposite, ovate-oblong, 1-4 inches long: flowers subcorymbosely clustered at the ends of the branches, 1 – 1 1/2 inches diameter, golden yellow; petals short-clawed, orbicular, margins crisped: samaras silky-pubescent. S. Afr.  


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