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| name = ''LATINNAME''  <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name -->
| common_names =     <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
| growth_habit = ?  <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
|common_name=Devil's Claws, Catsclaw, Paradise Flower
| high = ?  <!--- 1m (3 ft) -->
| wide =    <!--- 65cm (25 inches) -->
| origin = ?  <!--- Mexico, S America, S Europe, garden, etc -->
| poisonous =    <!--- indicate parts of plants which are known/thought to be poisonous -->
| lifespan =     <!--- perennial, annual, etc -->
|Temp Metric=°F
| exposure = ?  <!--- full sun, part-sun, semi-shade, shade, indoors, bright filtered (you may list more than 1) -->
|jumpin=If this plant info box on watering; zones; height; etc. is mostly empty you can click on the edit tab and fill in the blanks!
| water = ?  <!--- frequent, regular, moderate, drought tolerant, let dry then soak -->
|image=Acacia greggii thorns.jpg
| features =     <!--- flowers, fragrance, fruit, naturalizes, invasive -->
| hardiness =     <!--- frost sensitive, hardy, 5°C (40°F), etc -->
|image_caption=Acacia greggii thorns
| bloom =     <!--- seasons which the plant blooms, if it is grown for its flowers -->
| usda_zones = ?  <!--- eg. 8-11 -->
| sunset_zones =    <!--- eg. 8, 9, 12-24, not available -->
| color = IndianRed
| image =   Acacia greggii thorns.jpg <!--- Freesia.jpg -->
| image_width = 240px    <!--- leave as 240px if horizontal orientation photo, or change to 180px if vertical -->
| image_caption =   Acacia greggii thorns
| regnum = Plantae  <!--- Kingdom -->
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| familia =    <!--- Family -->
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Acacia greggii, Gray. Texas Mimosa. Sometimes a tree 20 ft. high, but usually a shrub of 4-5 ft., growing in thickets along river banks: compound lvs. 1 in. long, pubescent; pinnae 2-3 pairs (occasionally reduced to 1 pair), 1/2-3/4in. long; lfts. 4-7 pairs (usually 5), oblong, pubescent and 2-nerved: spikes cream-yellow, 1 1/4-2 1/4 in. long, including the peduncles, which are half the length of spikes; petals and sepals greenish, 5-merous; sepals united and half as long as petals: pods much bent and twisted, nerve-like margins and more or less constricted between the seeds, 1 l/2—4 or more in. long, about 3/4in. wide; seed 1/3in. long, 1/4in. wide with an arrow-shaped depression in the center; funicle filiform its entire length. Fls. Aug., Sept. In dry or rocky places in Texas and N. Mex. and S. Known as Devil's Claws and Catsclaw from the short curved, spines; also as Paradise Flower.
Acacia greggii, Gray. Texas Mimosa. Sometimes a tree 20 ft. high, but usually a shrub of 4-5 ft., growing in thickets along river banks: compound lvs. 1 in. long, pubescent; pinnae 2-3 pairs (occasionally reduced to 1 pair), 1/2-3/4in. long; lfts. 4-7 pairs (usually 5), oblong, pubescent and 2-nerved: spikes cream-yellow, 1 1/4-2 1/4 in. long, including the peduncles, which are half the length of spikes; petals and sepals greenish, 5-merous; sepals united and half as long as petals: pods much bent and twisted, nerve-like margins and more or less constricted between the seeds, 1 l/2—4 or more in. long, about 3/4in. wide; seed 1/3in. long, 1/4in. wide with an arrow-shaped depression in the center; funicle filiform its entire length. Fls. Aug., Sept. In dry or rocky places in Texas and N. Mex. and S. Known as Devil s Claws and Catsclaw from the short curved, spines; also as Paradise Flower.
In the following supplementary list, the heights given are those attained by the plants under glass in N. Eu.; in the open air in the S. W. U. S. they often grow much taller, and sometimes flower 2 months earlier. Except when otherwise stated, the fls. arc yellow. Those marked (*) are considered most desirable. Those marked "stove" need hothouse treatment; the others can be grown in a cool- house, or in the open in Calif. A. abietina, Willd.=A. linifolia.—A. acanthocarpa, Willd.=Mimosa acanthocarpa.—A. acapulcensis, Kunth.=Lysiloma acapulcensis.—A. accola, Maiden & Betche.— A, acicularis (Needle-leaved Acacia). 4 ft.—A. affinis, Sweet= A. dealbata.—A. alota, R. Br. 6 ft. May. B.R. 396.—A. albicans= Pithecolobium albicans.—A. amaena. Wendl. 3 ft. May. Near to A. hetcrophylla.—A.angulata, Desv.=A. discolor.—A. angustifolia, Lodd.=A. longifolia var. floribunda.—A. argyrophylla, Hook.=A. brachybotrya var. argyrophylla.—A. aspera, Lindl. (A. Ausfeldii, Regel. A. densifolia, Benth.). 4ft. May.—A. Ausfeldii, Regel= A. aspera.—A. Bancroftiana, Bert.=Caesalpinia bijuga.—A. Bartheriana, Hort.=A. Berteriana(?).— A. Berlandieri, Benth. Fls.f?). Mex. — A. Berteriana, Balb.=Pithecolobium fragrans. — A. biflora, R. Br. 3 ft. May. — A. brachyacantha, Humb. & Bonpl.=Mimosa acanthocarpa. — A. brevifolia, Lodd.=A. lunata. — A. brevipei. Cunn. =A. melanoxylon. — A. Burmanniana, DC. Shrub 6 ft. Ceylon. Stove. — A. buxifolia, Cunn. 4 ft. Apr. Hook. Icon. 164. — A. caesia, Wight & Arn. (A. Intsia, Willd.). Climber beset with curved prickles. E. Indies. Stove. — A. calamistrata, Hort. Iists=(?). — A. celastrifolia, Benth.=A. myrtifolia var. celastrifolia. — A. centrophylla, DC. 20 ft.: white. Jamaica. Stove. — A. Ceratonia, Willd.= Mimosa Ceratonia. — A. chrysostachys, Hort.=Piptadenia chry- sostachys. — A. ciliata, R. Br.=A. strigosa. — A. cineracense, Sieb.= A. glaucescens. — A. cochlearis, Wendl. 4 ft. Apr. to May. — A. caerulea, Lenol. — A. concinna, DC. 20 ft.; fls. white. E. Indies. Stove. — A. Concordiana, Loud.=Pithecolobium umbellatum.— A. conferta, Cunn. Apr. — A. cordata, a trade name, probably belongs to some other species. — A. coriacea, DC. 5 ft. May.— A. coronillaefolia, Desf. 10ft. N. Afr. Stove. — A. corymbosa, Hort. lists=(?).
— A. crassicarpa. Cunn. 6 ft. May. — A. cultrata, Hort.=A. cultriformis. — A. cuspidata, Cunn.=A. diffusa var. cuspidata. — A. cyanophylla magnifica, Hort. lists=(?). — A. cyenorum, Hook.=A. obscura. — A. Daviesiaefolia, Cunn. 6 ft. June. — A, decipiens var. praemorsa, Hort.* 3 ft. May. B.M. 3244. — A. densifolia, Benth.= A. aspera. — A. dentifera, Benth. Apr. B.M. 4032. — A. dependens, Cunn.=A. longifolia var. mucronata. — A. detinens, Burch. 3 ft. May. S. Afr.— A. Dietrichiana, F. Muell.— A. diptera, Willd.= Prosopis juliflora. — A. diptera, Lindl. Shrub.: fls.(?). — A. diptera var. erioptera, Graham. Sept. B.M. 3939. — A. dissitiflora, Benth. =a form of A. longifolia. — A. divaricota, Willd. =Lysiloma Schiedeana. — A. dolabriformia, Colla=A. decipiens. — A. Donkelaarii is a trade name.=Mimosa(?). — A. doratoxylon,Cumi. *(Currawang), a beautiful small tree: fls. golden yellow. — A. dumosa, Wight &. Arn. =A. latronum. — A. echinula,DC.=A. juniperina. — A.edulis, Humb. & Bonpl.=A. Farnesiana.— A. emarginata, Wendl. =A. stricta. — A. erioclada, Benth. June. — A. Esterhazia, Mackay. 4 ft. May. — A. falciformis, DC. =A. penninervis var. falciformis. — A, ferruginea, DC. From E. Indies. Stove. — A. flexicaulis, Benth. =Pithecolobium flexicaule, Coulter. — A. floribunda, Willd.=A. longifolia var. floribunda. — A. floribunda,Hort.=A. neriifolia. — A. formosa, Kunth. =Calliandra formosa. — A fragrans, Tenore=Albizzia fragrans ("Acacia fragrance" Hort.?). — A. frondosa, Willd. Leucaena glauca. =A. fruticosa, Mart.=Piptadenia latifolia. — A. genistaefolia, Link =A. diffusa. — A. giraffae, Willd. (Camel-thorn). 40 ft. S. Air. Fls.(?). Stove. — A. glauca, Hort.=A. glaucescens. — A. grandis, Henfr.=A. pulchella var. grandis. — A. grata, Willd. =Piptadenia macrocarpa. — A. graxeolens, Cunn.=A. verniciflua. — A. guayaquilensis, Desf. =Mimosa guayaquilensis. — A. guianensis, Willd.=Stryphnodendron guianense. — A. gummifera, Willd. 30 ft. Guinea. Fls.(?). — A.Haematoxylon, Willd. 20 ft. Fls. yellow or white. S. Afr. Stove. — A.hastulata, Smith. 4 ft. May. B.M. 3341. — .4. heteracantha, Burch. I5 ft.; fls.(7). S. Afr.— A. heterophylla, Willd. 5 ft. May. Mascarene Isls. — A. hispida, Hort.=Robinia hispida. — A. hispidissima, DC.=A. pulchella var. hispidissima. — A. holosericea, A. Cunn. — A. homalophylla,* "Yarran.” — A. homatophylla, probably clerical error for A. homalophylla. — A. homomalla. Wendl. =A. glaucescens. — A. horrida, Willd. S. Afr. — A. Huegelii, Benth.* Pale yellow. Feb. — A. humifusa, Cunn. Austral.— A. hybrida- Lodd.=A. armata. — A. imperialis, Hort. lista=(?). — A. intermedia, Cunn.=A. longifolia var. floribunda. — A. intertexta, Sieb.=A. longifolia. — A. Intsia. Willd.=A. caesia. — A. Jonesii, F. Muell. Racemes simple, longer than lvs. which somewhat resemble those of green.-lvd. A. dealbata. — A. Julibrissin, Wi|ld.=Albizzia Julibrissin. — A. Kalkora, G. Don.— Albizzia Julibrissin. — A. Lambertiana, D. Don.=Calliandra Lambertiana. — A. lanigera, Cunn. 6 ft. Apr. B.M. 2922. — A. latifolia, Benth.— A. latisiliqua Willd. =Lysiloma latisiliqua. — A. Latroberi, Meisn.==A. acinacea — A. latronum, Willd. (A. dumosa, Wight & Arn.). Up to 20 ft.; E. Indies. Stove. — A. laurifolia, Willd. 4 ft. May. Pacific Isls. Stove. — A. Lebbeck, Willd.=Albizzia Lebbek. — A. leiophylla, Benth.=A. saligna. — A. Ientisifolia, Desf. 20 ft.: fls.(?). Mex. Stove. — A. leprosa, Sieb.* May. B.R. 1441. "Graceful, linear leaves, and habit of a willow." — -A. leprosa var. tenuifolia. Benth. Stove. — A. leptocarpa, Cunn. 6 ft. Apr. — A. leptoclada, Cunn. — A. leptoneura, Benth. 6ft. Apr. B.M. 4350. — A. leptophylla, DC.=A. Farnesiana. — A. leucocephala, Link=Leucaena glauca. — A. leucophlosa, Willd. 12ft.; pale yellow. Trop. Asia. Stove. — A. leucophylla, Colvill.=-A. holosericea. — A. ligulata, Cunn. =A. salicina. — A. longifolia var. mucronata, F. v. M. (A. dependens, Cunn. A. mucronata, T. v. M. ). March. B.M. 2747. — A . longissima, Wendl. =A. linearis. — A. lophantha, Willd. =Albizzia lophantha. — A. lophantha var. gigantea, Hort.=Albizzia lophantha var. gigantea. — A. lucida, Baill.=Albizzia lucida. — A. Mangium. Willd. 10 ft. Molucca Isls. Stove. — A. microphylla, Willd. =Piptadenia peregrina. — A. mollis, Wall.=Albizzia Julibrissin. — A. Nemu, Willd.=Albizzia Julibrissin. — A. neurocarpa, Cunn.=A. holosericea. — A. nigricans, R. Br. 6 ft. Apr. B.M. 2188.— A. notabilis, F. Muell.— A. nudiflora, Willd. (A. Rohriana, DC.). 30 ft.; white. W.Indies. Stove. — A. obscura, DC. (A. cycnorum, Hook.). 2 1/2 ft. B.M. 4653. — A. odorattissima, Willd. =Albizzia odoratissima. — A. oleaefolia, Cunn.=A. lunata. — A. oligophylla. Hoffmgg. 4 ft. Habitat (?). Stove. — A. ornata is a name in the trade, probably of some well- known species. — A. paradoxa, DC.=A. armata. — A. pentadenia, Lindl. 10ft. May. B.R. 1521. — A. pinifolia, Benth.=A. juncifolia, — A. pinnata, Link.=A. tamarindifolia. — A. platyphylla. Sweet. 10 ft. June. — A. plumosa, Lowe. 20 ft. Brazil. B.M. 3366. A stove climber. — A. podalaria, Hort. lists=(?). — A. polybotrya, Benth.* A beautiful pinnate-lvd. species. — A. portoricensis, Willd.=Calliandra portoricensis. — A. primosa, probably clerical error for A. pruinosa. — A. prismatica, Hoffmgg. 6ft. Habitat (?). Stove. — A. prominens, Cunn.=A. linifolia var. prominens. — A. Pseudacacia, Hort. =Robinia Pseudacacia. — A. pulcherrima, Willd.=Stryphnodendron floribundum. — A. pyramidalis, Hort. lists=(?). — A. quadrangularis, Link.=Calliandra tetragona.—A. Reimerii, local name for variety intro, by Reimers into San Francisco.—A. riparia, HBK. (A. sarmentosa, Griseb.). 10 ft. W. Indies. A stove climber. —A. Rohriana, DC.—A. nudiflora.—A. rosea, Hort.=Robinia hispida.—A. ruscifolia, Cunn.=A. verticillata var. latifolia.—A. sarmentosa, Griseb.=A. riparia.—A. saindens, Willd.=Entada scandens.—A. semicordata, Roxbg. 40 ft.: fls. (?}. E.Indies. Stove.—A. Senegal, Willd. 30 ft.: fls. white. Trop. W. Afr. Stove.— A. sericata, Cunn. Apr.—A. Simsii, Cunn. Apr.—A. Sophorae, R. Br.=A. longifolia var. Sophorae.—A. speciosa, Willd. =Albizzia Lebbek.— A. spectabilis, Cunn.* Apr. B.R. 1843:46. Remarkably beautiful. —A. Spini, Balb. 15 ft.; red and yellow. Guadeloupe Isl. Stove.— A. squamata, Lindl. Apr. Hook. Icon. Plant. 367.—A. stenophylla. Cunn. March.—A. stipulata. DC.=Albizzia stipulata.—A. stolonifera, Burchell, a species from S. Afr. with underground sts.— A. stricta. Willd. (A. emarginata, Wendl.). 2ft. March. B.M. 1121. —A. strigosa, Link (A. ciliata, R.Br.). 4 ft.—A, strombulifera, Willd.=Prosopis strombulifera.—A. subulata, Bonpl. 4 ft. May.— A. sulcata, R. Br. 2ft. July. B.R. 928.—A. Suma, Gurz. 10ft.: fls. (?) E. Indies. Stove.—A. tamarindifolia, Willd. (A. pinnata). 4ft.: white. S. Amer. Stove.—A. taxifolia, Lodd.=A. Riceana.—A. tomentosa, Willd. 20 ft.: fls.(?). E.Indies. Stove.—A. trichodes, Willd.=Leucaena trichodes.—A. trinervata, Sieb. 6 ft. Apr.—A. tristis, Graham=A. armata.—A. umbellata, Cunn. Apr.—A.uncinata, Lodd.=A. undulaefolia.—A. undulaefolia (A. uncinata., Lodd). 4 ft. May. B.M. 3394.—A. urophylla, Benth. Pale yellow. Apr. B.M. 4573.—A. vaga, Willd. 40 ft.: white. Brazil. Stove.— A. venusta, Willd. =Calliandra portoricensis.—A. vera, Willd.=A. arabica. —A. verniciflua, Cunn. (A. graveolens, Cunn. A. virgata, Lodd.). 6 ft. Apr. B.M. 3266, 3279.—A. verticillata var. angusta, Hort. 10ft. Apr.—A. verticillata var. latifolia, Benth. (A. ruscifolia, Cunn. A. moesta, Lindl.). 10ft. Apr. B.M. 3195. B.R. 1846:67.—A. vestita, Ker-Gawl.* 6 ft. June. B.R. 698.—A. viminolis. Ait. Apr. —A. virescens, DC. 20ft. S. Amer. Stove.—A. virgata, Lodd.=A. verniciflua.—A. viridiramis, Burch.=Xerocladia Zeyheri.—A. viscidula, Cunn. 6ft. Feb. Gt. 1109. A. viscose, Schrad.=A. dodonaeifolia.—A. vomeriformis, Cunn. Apr.—A. Wallichiana, DC.=Catechu. Katherine D. Jones.
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<!-- This section should be renamed Cultivars if it appears on a page for a species (rather than genus), or perhaps Varieties if there is a mix of cultivars, species, hybrids, etc    -->
In the following supplementary list, the heights given are those attained by the plants under glass in N. Eu.; in the open air in the S. W. U. S. they often grow much taller, and sometimes flower 2 months earlier. Except when otherwise stated, the fls. arc yellow. Those marked (*) are considered most desirable. Those marked "stove" need hothouse treatment; the others can be grown in a cool- house, or in the open in Calif. A. abietina, Willd.=A. linifolia.—A. acanthocarpa, Willd.=Mimosa acanthocarpa.—A. acapulcensis, Kunth.=Lysiloma acapulcensis.—A. accola, Maiden & Betche.— A, acicularis (Needle-leaved Acacia). 4 ft.—A. affinis, Sweet= A. dealbata.—A. alota, R. Br. 6 ft. May. B.R. 396.—A. albicans= Pithecolobium albicans.—A. amaena. Wendl. 3 ft. May. Near to A. hetcrophylla.—A.angulata, Desv.=A. discolor.—A. angustifolia, Lodd.=A. longifolia var. floribunda.—A. argyrophylla, Hook.=A. brachybotrya var. argyrophylla.—A. aspera, Lindl. (A. Ausfeldii, Regel. A. densifolia, Benth.). 4ft. May.—A. Ausfeldii, Regel= A. aspera.—A. Bancroftiana, Bert.=Caesalpinia bijuga.—A. Bartheriana, Hort.=A. Berteriana(?).— A. Berlandieri, Benth. Fls.f?). Mex. — A. Berteriana, Balb.=Pithecolobium fragrans. — A. biflora, R. Br. 3 ft. May. — A. brachyacantha, Humb. & Bonpl.=Mimosa acanthocarpa. — A. brevifolia, Lodd.=A. lunata. — A. brevipei. Cunn. =A. melanoxylon. — A. Burmanniana, DC. Shrub 6 ft. Ceylon. Stove. — A. buxifolia, Cunn. 4 ft. Apr. Hook. Icon. 164. — A. caesia, Wight & Arn. (A. Intsia, Willd.). Climber beset with curved prickles. E. Indies. Stove. — A. calamistrata, Hort. Iists=(?). — A. celastrifolia, Benth.=A. myrtifolia var. celastrifolia. — A. centrophylla, DC. 20 ft.: white. Jamaica. Stove. — A. Ceratonia, Willd.= Mimosa Ceratonia. — A. chrysostachys, Hort.=Piptadenia chry- sostachys. — A. ciliata, R. Br.=A. strigosa. — A. cineracense, Sieb.= A. glaucescens. — A. cochlearis, Wendl. 4 ft. Apr. to May. — A. caerulea, Lenol. — A. concinna, DC. 20 ft.; fls. white. E. Indies. Stove. — A. Concordiana, Loud.=Pithecolobium umbellatum.— A. conferta, Cunn. Apr. — A. cordata, a trade name, probably belongs to some other species. — A. coriacea, DC. 5 ft. May.— A. coronillaefolia, Desf. 10ft. N. Afr. Stove. — A. corymbosa, Hort. lists=(?).
— A. crassicarpa. Cunn. 6 ft. May. — A. cultrata, Hort.=A. cultriformis. — A. cuspidata, Cunn.=A. diffusa var. cuspidata. — A. cyanophylla magnifica, Hort. lists=(?). — A. cyenorum, Hook.=A. obscura. — A. Daviesiaefolia, Cunn. 6 ft. June. — A, decipiens var. praemorsa, Hort.* 3 ft. May. B.M. 3244. — A. densifolia, Benth.= A. aspera. — A. dentifera, Benth. Apr. B.M. 4032. — A. dependens, Cunn.=A. longifolia var. mucronata. — A. detinens, Burch. 3 ft. May. S. Afr.— A. Dietrichiana, F. Muell.— A. diptera, Willd.= Prosopis juliflora. — A. diptera, Lindl. Shrub.: fls.(?). — A. diptera var. erioptera, Graham. Sept. B.M. 3939. — A. dissitiflora, Benth. =a form of A. longifolia. — A. divaricota, Willd. =Lysiloma Schiedeana. — A. dolabriformia, Colla=A. decipiens. — A. Donkelaarii is a trade name.=Mimosa(?). — A. doratoxylon,Cumi. *(Currawang), a beautiful small tree: fls. golden yellow. — A. dumosa, Wight &. Arn. =A. latronum. — A. echinula,DC.=A. juniperina. — A.edulis, Humb. & Bonpl.=A. Farnesiana.— A. emarginata, Wendl. =A. stricta. — A. erioclada, Benth. June. — A. Esterhazia, Mackay. 4 ft. May. — A. falciformis, DC. =A. penninervis var. falciformis. — A, ferruginea, DC. From E. Indies. Stove. — A. flexicaulis, Benth. =Pithecolobium flexicaule, Coulter. — A. floribunda, Willd.=A. longifolia var. floribunda. — A. floribunda,Hort.=A. neriifolia. — A. formosa, Kunth. =Calliandra formosa. — A fragrans, Tenore=Albizzia fragrans ("Acacia fragrance" Hort.?). — A. frondosa, Willd. Leucaena glauca. =A. fruticosa, Mart.=Piptadenia latifolia. — A. genistaefolia, Link =A. diffusa. — A. giraffae, Willd. (Camel-thorn). 40 ft. S. Air. Fls.(?). Stove. — A. glauca, Hort.=A. glaucescens. — A. grandis, Henfr.=A. pulchella var. grandis. — A. grata, Willd. =Piptadenia macrocarpa. — A. graxeolens, Cunn.=A. verniciflua. — A. guayaquilensis, Desf. =Mimosa guayaquilensis. — A. guianensis, Willd.=Stryphnodendron guianense. — A. gummifera, Willd. 30 ft. Guinea. Fls.(?). — A.Haematoxylon, Willd. 20 ft. Fls. yellow or white. S. Afr. Stove. — A.hastulata, Smith. 4 ft. May. B.M. 3341. — .4. heteracantha, Burch. I5 ft.; fls.(7). S. Afr.— A. heterophylla, Willd. 5 ft. May. Mascarene Isls. — A. hispida, Hort.=Robinia hispida. — A. hispidissima, DC.=A. pulchella var. hispidissima. — A. holosericea, A. Cunn. — A. homalophylla,* "Yarran.” — A. homatophylla, probably clerical error for A. homalophylla. — A. homomalla. Wendl. =A. glaucescens. — A. horrida, Willd. S. Afr. — A. Huegelii, Benth.* Pale yellow. Feb. — A. humifusa, Cunn. Austral.— A. hybrida- Lodd.=A. armata. — A. imperialis, Hort. lista=(?). — A. intermedia, Cunn.=A. longifolia var. floribunda. — A. intertexta, Sieb.=A. longifolia. — A. Intsia. Willd.=A. caesia. — A. Jonesii, F. Muell. Racemes simple, longer than lvs. which somewhat resemble those of green.-lvd. A. dealbata. — A. Julibrissin, Wi|ld.=Albizzia Julibrissin. — A. Kalkora, G. Don.— Albizzia Julibrissin. — A. Lambertiana, D. Don.=Calliandra Lambertiana. — A. lanigera, Cunn. 6 ft. Apr. B.M. 2922. — A. latifolia, Benth.— A. latisiliqua Willd. =Lysiloma latisiliqua. — A. Latroberi, Meisn.==A. acinacea — A. latronum, Willd. (A. dumosa, Wight & Arn.). Up to 20 ft.; E. Indies. Stove. — A. laurifolia, Willd. 4 ft. May. Pacific Isls. Stove. — A. Lebbeck, Willd.=Albizzia Lebbek. — A. leiophylla, Benth.=A. saligna. — A. Ientisifolia, Desf. 20 ft.: fls.(?). Mex. Stove. — A. leprosa, Sieb.* May. B.R. 1441. "Graceful, linear leaves, and habit of a willow." — -A. leprosa var. tenuifolia. Benth. Stove. — A. leptocarpa, Cunn. 6 ft. Apr. — A. leptoclada, Cunn. — A. leptoneura, Benth. 6ft. Apr. B.M. 4350. — A. leptophylla, DC.=A. Farnesiana. — A. leucocephala, Link=Leucaena glauca. — A. leucophlosa, Willd. 12ft.; pale yellow. Trop. Asia. Stove. — A. leucophylla, Colvill.=-A. holosericea. — A. ligulata, Cunn. =A. salicina. — A. longifolia var. mucronata, F. v. M. (A. dependens, Cunn. A. mucronata, T. v. M. ). March. B.M. 2747. — A . longissima, Wendl. =A. linearis. — A. lophantha, Willd. =Albizzia lophantha. — A. lophantha var. gigantea, Hort.=Albizzia lophantha var. gigantea. — A. lucida, Baill.=Albizzia lucida. — A. Mangium. Willd. 10 ft. Molucca Isls. Stove. — A. microphylla, Willd. =Piptadenia peregrina. — A. mollis, Wall.=Albizzia Julibrissin. — A. Nemu, Willd.=Albizzia Julibrissin. — A. neurocarpa, Cunn.=A. holosericea. — A. nigricans, R. Br. 6 ft. Apr. B.M. 2188.— A. notabilis, F. Muell.— A. nudiflora, Willd. (A. Rohriana, DC.). 30 ft.; white. W.Indies. Stove. — A. obscura, DC. (A. cycnorum, Hook.). 2 1/2 ft. B.M. 4653. — A. odorattissima, Willd. =Albizzia odoratissima. — A. oleaefolia, Cunn.=A. lunata. — A. oligophylla. Hoffmgg. 4 ft. Habitat (?). Stove. — A. ornata is a name in the trade, probably of some well- known species. — A. paradoxa, DC.=A. armata. — A. pentadenia, Lindl. 10ft. May. B.R. 1521. — A. pinifolia, Benth.=A. juncifolia, — A. pinnata, Link.=A. tamarindifolia. — A. platyphylla. Sweet. 10 ft. June. — A. plumosa, Lowe. 20 ft. Brazil. B.M. 3366. A stove climber. — A. podalaria, Hort. lists=(?). — A. polybotrya, Benth.* A beautiful pinnate-lvd. species. — A. portoricensis, Willd.=Calliandra portoricensis. — A. primosa, probably clerical error for A. pruinosa. — A. prismatica, Hoffmgg. 6ft. Habitat (?). Stove. — A. prominens, Cunn.=A. linifolia var. prominens. — A. Pseudacacia, Hort. =Robinia Pseudacacia. — A. pulcherrima, Willd.=Stryphnodendron floribundum. — A. pyramidalis, Hort. lists=(?). — A. quadrangularis, Link.=Calliandra tetragona.—A. Reimerii, local name for variety intro, by Reimers into San Francisco.—A. riparia, HBK. (A. sarmentosa, Griseb.). 10 ft. W. Indies. A stove climber. —A. Rohriana, DC.—A. nudiflora.—A. rosea, Hort.=Robinia hispida.—A. ruscifolia, Cunn.=A. verticillata var. latifolia.—A. sarmentosa, Griseb.=A. riparia.—A. saindens, Willd.=Entada scandens.—A. semicordata, Roxbg. 40 ft.: fls. (?}. E.Indies. Stove.—A. Senegal, Willd. 30 ft.: fls. white. Trop. W. Afr. Stove.— A. sericata, Cunn. Apr.—A. Simsii, Cunn. Apr.—A. Sophorae, R. Br.=A. longifolia var. Sophorae.—A. speciosa, Willd. =Albizzia Lebbek.— A. spectabilis, Cunn.* Apr. B.R. 1843:46. Remarkably beautiful. —A. Spini, Balb. 15 ft.; red and yellow. Guadeloupe Isl. Stove.— A. squamata, Lindl. Apr. Hook. Icon. Plant. 367.—A. stenophylla. Cunn. March.—A. stipulata. DC.=Albizzia stipulata.—A. stolonifera, Burchell, a species from S. Afr. with underground sts.— A. stricta. Willd. (A. emarginata, Wendl.). 2ft. March. B.M. 1121. —A. strigosa, Link (A. ciliata, R.Br.). 4 ft.—A, strombulifera, Willd.=Prosopis strombulifera.—A. subulata, Bonpl. 4 ft. May.— A. sulcata, R. Br. 2ft. July. B.R. 928.—A. Suma, Gurz. 10ft.: fls. (?) E. Indies. Stove.—A. tamarindifolia, Willd. (A. pinnata). 4ft.: white. S. Amer. Stove.—A. taxifolia, Lodd.=A. Riceana.—A. tomentosa, Willd. 20 ft.: fls.(?). E.Indies. Stove.—A. trichodes, Willd.=Leucaena trichodes.—A. trinervata, Sieb. 6 ft. Apr.—A. tristis, Graham=A. armata.—A. umbellata, Cunn. Apr.—A.uncinata, Lodd.=A. undulaefolia.—A. undulaefolia (A. uncinata., Lodd). 4 ft. May. B.M. 3394.—A. urophylla, Benth. Pale yellow. Apr. B.M. 4573.—A. vaga, Willd. 40 ft.: white. Brazil. Stove.— A. venusta, Willd. =Calliandra portoricensis.—A. vera, Willd.=A. arabica. —A. verniciflua, Cunn. (A. graveolens, Cunn. A. virgata, Lodd.). 6 ft. Apr. B.M. 3266, 3279.—A. verticillata var. angusta, Hort. 10ft. Apr.—A. verticillata var. latifolia, Benth. (A. ruscifolia, Cunn. A. moesta, Lindl.). 10ft. Apr. B.M. 3195. B.R. 1846:67.—A. vestita, Ker-Gawl.* 6 ft. June. B.R. 698.—A. viminolis. Ait. Apr. —A. virescens, DC. 20ft. S. Amer. Stove.—A. virgata, Lodd.=A. verniciflua.—A. viridiramis, Burch.=Xerocladia Zeyheri.—A. viscidula, Cunn. 6ft. Feb. Gt. 1109. A. viscose, Schrad.=A. dodonaeifolia.—A. vomeriformis, Cunn. Apr.—A. Wallichiana, DC.=Catechu. Katherine D. Jones.
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