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Sclerocarpus (Greek, hard and fruit, the achenes are inclosed in a hardened palea). Syn., Gymnopsis, in part. Compositae. Annual or perennial strigose-pubescent herbs, suitable for outdoor planting in the Southern USA: stems branching: leaves alternate or the lower rarely all opposite, dentate or subentire: heads small or medium, at the ends of the branches, pedunculate, many-flowered.: flowers yellow; the ray-flowers few to several, fertile; pappus wanting: achenes more or less 4-sided with a broad flat summit.—About 15 species. N. Amer., region of Texas and Mex., Trop. Afr., and Trop. Asia.  
Sclerocarpus (Greek, hard and fruit, the achenes are inclosed in a hardened palea). Syn., Gymnopsis, in part. Compositae. Annual or perennial strigose-pubescent herbs, suitable for outdoor planting in the S.: sts. branching: lvs. alternate or the lower rarely all opposite, dentate or subentire: heads small or medium, at the ends of the branches, pedunculate, many-fld.: fls. yellow; the ray-fls. few to several, fertile; pappus wanting: achenes more or less 4-sided with a broad flat summit.—About 15 species. N. Amer., region of Texas and Mex., Trop. Afr., and Trop. Asia. S. uniserialis, Benth. & Hook. f. (Gymnopsis uniserialis, Hook. Gymnolomia uniserialis, Hort.). Annual, 1-2 ft. high, loosely branched: lvs. alternate, slender-petioled, deltoid- or rhombic-ovate, or the uppermost lanceolate, coarsely dentate, the strigose pubescence of the lower surface canescent: corollas orange. Texas and Mex. RH. 1853:261. G.C. III. 28:165.


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